Chapter 42: Big Bomb

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Rebecca called me. She told me to come over. Harry was out. I decided to go because she never invited people over.

"I'm going out." I told Liam.

"No you're not. You need to stay and rest. You need to get better."

"No. Rebecca invited me over."

"She never invites people over!!"

"Well she just invited me over."

"Fine you can go."

I left the house and drove to Rebecca and Harry's house. I went up and knocked and a very distraught looking Rebecca answered. "What's wrong??" I immediately asked. She shook her head and hugged me then pulled me inside and shut the door.

"I'm not ready for this." She said with glossy eyes.

"Ready for what?" I thought Harry was done with her and moved on to a new slut. Luckily I was mistaken.

"I'm having a baby."

"WAIT WHAT?!" I wasn't expecting THAT!

"I just found out earlier today. Remember when we thought I had the stomach flu? And I just thought my weight was catching up because I'm becoming older." Yeah. She's becoming older. I'm 25 and she's 23. Real old.

"Rebecca!! Sweetheart!! You're seriously-?!"

"And I'm a little more ahead than you."

"How do you know?"

"You're five months right?"


"Well I'm five and a half."

"Oh my god Rebecca!! How did you not know?!"

"I have no idea... All I know is I need you to help me tell Harry..."

"Uhm... I'll be here for you but I'm not-"

"That's what I meant."

"Okay." Just then, as if on cue, Harry walked in the door and set some bags in the kitchen. Then he went to Rebecca and put his hands around her waist and kissed her intensely. She pulled off and cleared her throat and pointed to me. Harry looked a little embarrassed.

"Oh hey Soph."

"Hey Harry. I think Rebecca has something to tell you."

Summer '09Where stories live. Discover now