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Russia's eyes snapped open at the sound. It took him a minute to realize what was happening and he got out of bed to see what woke him up.

He carefully peeked out through the door, the lights were on but he couldn't see or hear anyone there. He opened the door wider and was about to walk out in the hallway when an empty bottle of vodka flew beside his head.


The bottle hit the wall and crashed into a million pieces. He looked at the broken glass in fear. He knew what this meant, and it was definitely nothing good.

He hesitated for a second but turned to look in the direction from which the bottle came from. He saw a tall, muscular figure standing on the end of the hallway.

"Good morning you little piece of shit!", the person yelled at the now frightened Russia who was trying his best to hide how scared he was.

"Get your ass here this instant!"

Russia was afraid that the tall figure, his father, USSR, would beat him up but he knew that if he disobeyed that would only make things worse. He walked to his father, his heart racing and fear in his eyes.

"Yes, father?"

USSR grabbed him by his arm and squeezed it tightly, not caring if it hurts. Russia let out an "ouch" but quickly made himself shut up by biting his lip.

The taller county gave a growl of disappointment.


He pushed Russia and he fell on the ground.

"You've always been weak! How do you exactly think of taking my place one day if you're such a weak piece of shit?! You're a shame for our family! A disappointment! I can't allow someone like you to take my place one day! You will destroy everything I have achieved for all these years! You better start doing something and fix yourself or I'll have to get things done my way! And you know yourself that if we get to that point it won't end well!"

He turned and walked away. Russia picked himself up and walked back to his bedroom. He set on his bed and took a deep breath. This went better than he expected. Usually his father would beat him up really bad but it seems like he didn't drink too much this time.

But he couldn't do anything about it. He was the oldest child. The one with the most responsibilities. He has to take his father's place one day and his father wants him to be "perfect" so he could play that role. Russia was glad that he didn't go so hard on his siblings. He didn't want them to go through any of the pain he went through for all these years.

But if he's honest he doesn't even want to take his father's place. He wishes to live a peaceful life one day, away from everyone and everything that ever hurt him. What's the use of being a big leader if the process of becoming one is such a torture?

He lays down on his bed and looks at the ceiling, thinking. What is he supposed to do? He needs to meet his father's expectations or else this will never stop. He will never stop hurting him. And he's really tired of what his father is doing to him.

Guess he has no other choice, he has to change. He has to become... the thing he feared of most. He has to be like his father.

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