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The car dashed down the road, the engine roaring like a wild beast.

"Woooohoooo!", Russia yelled in excitement even though the seat almost swallowed him from the speed.

"You like it?!", America yelled trying to be louder than the engine so Russia could hear him.

"I love it!!!", Russia yelled back.

America laughed and started slowing down. They had no more road to keep going fast, and besides he had to stop for gas.

He stopped at the nearest gas stations.

"So how was i-", he was about to ask but as soon as he looked at Russia he stopped. The poor guy looked like he had a heart attack, it seemed like he wasn't even breathing and his eyes were wide open.

"Uhhh, Russ, are you okay?"

Russia stayed quiet for a second.

"That... was... AWESOMEEEEE!!!", Russia yelled as a sudden flow of energy ran through his body.

America sighed in relief.

"Do it again! Do it again! Do it again! Do it again! Do it again! Do it again!", Russia pleaded shaking America by his arm.

"Okay, okay, just give me a second to fill up the gas and we can go again!", America said laughing.


Russia let go of him and he walked out. He set in the car trying his best to be as patient as possible even though it seemed impossible for him to do that.

He looked at the time on the screen - 4:30am.
How was time going by so slowly. He left the house at 2 and only 2 and a half hours passed.
Guess the earlier you get up the longer the day lasts.

The door on the drivers side opened and America got in.

"Sorry for the wait. The night shift is ending soon and they weren't really expecting anyone at this hour... So are you ready for a ride back home?"


"Yeah. We have school at 7. It's Monday."

"Monday? Already?"

"Yeah, I know. The weekend lasts too short."


"So how do we plan to get you back home to get your bag without your father noticing?"

Russia hit himself over his forehead.

"I didn't even bring my backpack. I'm such an idiot."

"You didn't even bring it home yesterday. You forgot it at my place. And I can give you my books. No one will mind me not having them since I'm a new student."

"Yeah, I guess that could work...Wait."


"Today's Monday, right? And that means... Ah crap..."

"What is it?"

"My dad leaves for work early every Monday. So I'll have to leave school early today to go get my siblings and take them to school."

"Why? You only need 15 minutes to get back home."

"Maybe with a car."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot that you don't drive."

"Yeah, my dad never wanted to let me have a drivers license."

"That's dumb but okay... And there's no need for you to get out of school early. We can go pick them up."

Angel, please don't go home...(rusame)Where stories live. Discover now