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"So he's not in the building. Where could he be?," USSR asked as he picked up Russia's phone from the ground.

"Up there."

USSR turned around to see America pointing at a hill that was barely visible between the buildings.

"Why would he be up there?"

"That's the place he took me to when we first met. It's more beautiful than it seems from down here."

"Then let's get going."

They set in the car and drove to the hill. America handed USSR a flashlight and took another one for himself. It was already too dark to see anything. They turned them on and started walking up the hill.

They carefully picked their steps and slowly but surely made their way up to the top. At one point USSR stepped on a rock and slipped, but before he could fall America grabbed his hand and pulled his back up.

"Why did you do that? I could've pulled you down with me."

"Yeah we could've both died."

"Died?," USSR asked as he brushed his hands on his clothes to clean himself up.

"Yeah, the hill has a rocky bottom. You could've died if you hit yourself on one."

"Well I guess this is the second time that you're saving my life today. You're not that bad," USSR said laughing softly.

"I'm glad that you don't hate me anymore but right now we need to keep on looking for Russia."

USSR nodded and they kept on climbing. When they got to the top they looked around but couldn't find Russia anywhere.

"Russia!," USSR called out but got no response. He turned to America and put his hand on his shoulder.

"You call out for him. I think he will never answer me."

America nodded and yelled out Russia's name as loud as he could. That's when he heard him.


He turned to the other hide and saw Russia climbing out from the edge. They smiled at each other and America started running towards him.

But then it happened...

One wrong step...

Russia couldn't feel the ground under his feet anymore...


"Falling down this hill could bring you a lot of damage. Especially because it has a rocky bottom, as you already saw when we were down there. Falling from here would definitely get you a broken arm or leg and a few broken ribs, if lucky. If not, if you hit your head, or break you neck or any part of your spine you would either end in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, have paralysis, fall in a coma or for the worst, you could die."

~End of flashback~

He rolled down the hill and all he could hear was America screaming out his name. He tried to slow himself down but he didn't have anything to grab on to. The last thing he felt was his head and back hitting on something hard and sharp. The last thing he heard was his skull and spine cracking.

He let out one last scream of agony and fear as the world around him disappeared...


America ran as fast as he could to the other side of the hill, but before he could reach the edge someone knocked him over. He looked at USSR who was holding him down.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!"

"I can't!"

"Are you insane! Let go of me!," America tried to push him away but he was stronger than him.

"If you fall down that hill too that won't help him! Put yourself together!"

America was about to yell at him again when a drop of water hit his face. It was dark but when his eyes finally adapted to the it he could see tears rolling down USSR's face.

America just nodded and USSR let go. He helped him get up and they slowly started climbing down. Once they got to the bottom they saw Russia's lifeless body laying in a puddle of blood.

They looked at it in horror, unable to do anything to help him. He was gone... And he's not coming back...

America got hit by a wave of pain and sadness. He fell to the ground and screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed through the area. Lights turning on in the buildings and people looking outside to see what's happening, but there was no one out there.

USSR quickly got on his knees and pulled America into a hug. America buried his face in his shoulder and let out muffled cries and screams. USSR couldn't help himself but cry too. He couldn't let this poor boy suffer on his own now. He lost a friend he really cared about. So USSR held onto him for dear life and he wouldn't let him go until he calms down.

After what felt like hours America stopped crying. He let go of USSR and he backed away. Then USSR wiped his own tears and walked to Russia's body.

America did the same and stood next to him.

"I think there's something I need to let you know...," America said hesitantly.

"What's that?"

"Russia and I weren't friends..."

"You weren't?," USSR asked surprised.

"No... We were more than friends..."

With those words America got down on his knees and placed a soft kiss on Russia's cold lips.

USSR could've believe his eyes. Why didn't he tell him? He got on his knees too and put his hand on America's shoulder.

"I'm sorry kid... I didn't know..."

"It's alright... No one did... Don't blame yourself for not knowing something that you were never told," America said looking at him with tears rolling down his cheeks.

USSR gave him a sad look and nodded. He took his phone and called the ambulance. Then they set down and lighted up a cigarette.

Nothing more could be done. They just set there and cried, smoked and talked about all the good and bad things that happened for the last 3 months.

They can't bring him back but they can at least remember him as the great person he always was....

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