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Russia packed his books and was about to go to school. He still couldn't get the things that happened that morning out of his head. He was getting tired of his father treating him like that. He was so hurt he even started hurting himself. He had cuts on his arms and legs well hidden by his clothes. His father never noticed, and even if he did he wouldn't care. He'd just yell at him and call him weak. And of course he would hurt him more. But why? What did he do to deserve that? Where did he go wrong? He was just a little kid when that whole horror started. What could have he done wrong?

He knew he wouldn't get the answer anytime soon, or ever. He didn't even need to know, he just needed it to stop. It had to stop, no matter what.


He stopped for a second. What if... what if that's his only way out?

He quickly grabbed his bag and ran out of the house. He ran to school and set outside. He had a whole hour before class starts.

He kept wondering again. What if that could save him? What if it would stop the pain?


What else could he do? No one liked him. No one cared. His family doesn't care. He doesn't have any friends. He's alive for 17 years and he's sick of it. Sick of himself. And others are sick of him.




He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw someone sit next to him. This person wasn't familiar to him. A new student? Oh great, another person that will hate him. But it's not like he'll be there to bother them for long.

The guy looked at him.

"Hello there."

Russia just looked at him coldly. Get the fuck away from me, you don't want to talk to me, you don't wanna know!

"I'm new here. And my name is America."

Russia was still silent.

"And you are?"

Russia hesitated but he couldn't ignore him anymore.


"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said happily and Russia nodded, then looked away.

"I see you're not a talkative type."

Russia looked at him confused because he didn't say that in an irritated way.

"I like that. I don't like to talk much either, but in a new school with new people you have to talk. At least now I have someone I can sit with and enjoy the silence."

Russia's eyes widened slightly. Did he just say that he likes something about him? He never heard anyone say that to him.

America smiled at Russia and then just looked in the distance. And so did he. They set there in silence. Peacefully. For the first time he felt slightly comfortable. In a few minutes he looked at him again. He set there with his eyes closed. He felt so much comfort around this new guy. That's until he realized that he looked back at him.

He looked away nervously. "Sorry."

America laughed softly.

"It's okay. I don't mind it you're looking at me. But your eyes... Those eyes are sometimes I haven't seen in my life."

Russia looked at him.

"W-what do you mean?"

He smiled.

"Your eyes are deeper than the ocean, you could get lost in them in seconds and lose trace of time... they're a clear mirror of your soul... I see you... I can feel you... I feel your presence in a special way... You really make someone wish to be your friend..."

Russia's heart warmed up. He never heard such words. He was speechless. He wanted him to go on. He wanted to hear more. And as if America could read his mind, he continued.

"They are something really special... Such eyes are the eyes of the purest souls... it's like a portal to another world... a beautiful place... and i was lucky enough to see it... i feel blessed..."

Russia couldn't help but smile. For the first time in a while he felt happy.

"But there is one more thing your eyes are showing me..."

He looked at him curiously.

"Something that is, unfortunately, not something I could talk with you about yet."

Russia got a bit worried. Was he seeing him as a bad person? Did he change his mind? Is he getting tired of him?

"Don't worry. It's nothing bad. And I know you're a good person. You give me comfort like no one ever did. And nothing will change my mind."

He was about to say something but....


The bell rang.

Russia's smile turned to a expression of disappointment. He...

"Don't wanna go?"

He turned to America and after a minute nodded.

"Neither do I. I hate being the new kid. My family moves a lot because of my father's job. Every few months I'm in a new school. In some people accept me, in some they don't. But it doesn't really bother me because nothing lasts long."

He paused for a moment as if he just realized something, and Russia wondered what it was.

"But there is one thing that bothers me."

"What's that?," Russia asked, didn't really intend to but he wanted to know.

"Meeting a person like you is something that happens once in a lifetime. Some don't even get lucky to ever meet someone like that. It would be such a shame if I move again and all of this becomes just a memory..."

Russia was shocked.

"Well I know it's a bit too early for me to ask this but... would you like to hang out sometimes? Maybe after school today? We could go eat pizza. Or you could come to my place. I live alone for now since my parents are still doing some paperwork in the other town we lived in before we moved here."

Russia was surprised. Someone wanted to hang out with him.

"So what do you say?"

"Umm s-sure. I have time after school. I have to pick my siblings up from school at 7 so is that enough time?"

"Enough? That's perfect. 4 hours is perfectly enough."

Russia smiled and got up.

"Let's go. You don't want to be late on your first day, right?"

"Oh, right. Sorry. I just enjoy talking to you and I wish we could talk longer. Classes will last for ages now that I know that we will go out after school. I'll die waiting for school to end."

Russia laughed softly.

"Patience is not your strongest side, is it?"

"Nope. Never was, never will be."

They both laughed and walked into school.

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