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Russia and America were waiting outside the school. He needs to pick up his siblings Ukraine and Belarus and take them home.

"I can't wait to meet your siblings," America said happily.

"I'm sure they will like you a lot."

"Yeah, I hope they will."

That's when America's phone rang. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket and answered the call.

"Hello... Oh, hello father. How are you and mom doing? Almost done with the paperwork?... Aww too bad. I hoped you would come over soon... How are Australia and Canada?... No, they didn't contact me since I get here... Yes the apartment is great. It's has a lot of space and everything is well designed. I'm still changing some things so my brothers would feel more comfortable... No don't worry I won't break or destroy anything... Yes I'll be careful... Now? I went out to buy some groceries and make myself something for dinner... You want me back in the apartment in 5 minutes? But-... Okay, I'll be there in no time..."

America hung up and looked at Russia who was quiet unsure what was going on. America smiled just to let him know that everything's okay.

"I'm sorry, Russ. My parents need me to go back to the apartment to send them pictures of some paperwork and stuff for the apartment. Someone reported to the police that the apartment isn't theirs and that they moved in without even paying for it..."

"Can I help somehow?," Russia asked.

"Nah, it's totally fine. It's not the first time that we're dealing with this."

America looked down at the bag in his hand. They didn't eat any of the food he bought. He gave the bag to Russia.

"Here. I know it's not much but I can't eat all of that by myself. Why don't you share it with your siblings? It's the least I can do since I can't stay to meet them."


"Please. Do me a favor. It would mean a lot to me."

Russia sighed. How could he say no to him.

"Okay, I'll do it," he said taking the bag from America.

"Oh and one more thing before I go. I want you to have this."

America handed him a piece of paper. Russia looked at what's written on it.

"That's my address. You can come over whenever you want."

Russia smiled and put the piece of paper in his pocket.

"Sure thing. And you have my phone number written on the other side just in case if you wanna talk or let me know if you want to go somewhere."

"Don't worry. I'll let you know when I'm coming over."

"Okay, see you tomorrow in school. Bye. "


They waved to each other and America soon disappeared in the crowd.

Russia stood there, looking at the spot where America was standing before he went out of his sight. That's when he felt his sleeve being pulled and he looked down.

"Hello big brother!," Belarus said happily. She was almost 9 years old and the only one in their family who seemed happy about seeing Russia from time to time.

"Hey bro," Ukraine said standing near by, her eyes glued to the book she was reading, not even bothering to look at him.

"Hi you two. Ready to go home?"

Angel, please don't go home...(rusame)Where stories live. Discover now