18. Diffrent

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Todoroki's POV

I woke up to a warm but heavy chest. Groggily, I looked down to see my chest occupied by Izuku. Oh yeah, I fell asleep with him after he wouldn't let go.

Izuku snuggled his face into my chest. I held back a chuckle, biting my lip and looking away. Oh my god, he's so cute.

He groaned softly, shifting some more before freezing. Izuku jumped off my chest, blushing heavily.

"Morning," I said softly, propping myself up on my elbows. A small smirk crossed my lips as I watched him internally scream at himself.

"I-I s-sorry- I didn't- I didn't mean to- I'm sorry," he rambled cutely.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I sat up properly. "Izuku," I stopped him, brushing my hand over his cheek. "It's ok," I told him with a small smile. "You don't need to worry." Izuku was blushing even more as he nodded, clamping his mouth shut so he wouldn't continue to ramble. "You looked cute," I told him softly.

Izuku hid his fact in his hands, chuckling softly to himself and shaking his head. "I-I should not be s-so embarrassed," he muttered to himself. I laughed softly, he looked so cute. The omega whined quietly, trying to hide his face better. "Don't laugh at my embarrassment."

"Ok, I'm sorry."

"No, you're not."

I chuckled again, leaning over and kissing him on the forehead. "You're just so cute when you get flustered."

He glanced up at me with a semi-serious look before laughing. "You don't have to call me cute," he muttered looking away, a smile still on his lips.

I was going to say something but a knock at Izuku's door come and his dad's voice followed. "I hope you two are decent in there, I'm coming in."

"Dad!" Izuku scolded now embarrassed for other reasons. "Don't say stuff like that!"

Toshinori stepped into the room, disregarding his son's embracement. "Inko prepared breakfast for all of us, it'll be ready in a few minutes."

"O-ok," Izuku stuttered, shooing his dad out of the room. "Embarrassing," he whined, leaning against the wall and hiding his face in his hands again.

"I think your dad's pretty cool," I told him.

"That's because he's yet to have a one on one with you."

"I'm sure I can handle myself Izuku."

"You may be able to survive my dad but the second Ochako gets you alone..." he trailed off and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know where that was going.

Over our time dating, I had only met Uraraka three times. Usually, it was short bump-ins since we were trying to get somewhere on time. She didn't seem like the type to be mean or threatening but I remembered Izuku mentioning she had almost stabbed Yuma's eye out with a fork.

Anyway... after breakfast Izuku and I decided to go out and wander around looking at the different shops. Izuku was quick to relax, taking my hand and dragging me into stores which I gladly followed the adorable omega into.

"Sho! Look at this!" Oh my god, he's like a little kid on Christmas. Izuku held up a very large sweater that had two of his favourite characters from this beta-verse show he watched. I didn't see the hype in a world where everyone was beta but if it made him happy then so be it.

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