2. Meeting Him

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Midoriya's POV

Ochako and I arrived at about 5:55, five minutes before the ball officially started. Many people were already there and Ochako had already dragged me into the crowd starting to talk with everyone.

I didn't do much talking, I just wanted to sit in the corner and wait it out, but I couldn't leave her alone with how many alphas were around.

The ballroom was large, like bigger than a big wedding venue. There were a few tables along the front walls with different pastries and other party foods. There was, of course, a bar that had many drinks that I had never heard of plus a few nonalcoholic beverages for those who didn't drink or were going to be driving home afterwards.

"Let's get a drink!" Ochako said, pulling me towards the bar. It's not that I didn't drink, because I did, it's more that I've heard enough stories of people's drinks getting drugged and I didn't quite fancy that happening so I settled with a small cup of water and finished it quickly. "Oh come on Izu live a little, have some fun!" She said ordering me something else and handing it to me.

I reluctantly took the drink and was dragged back into the growing crowd of mingling people. I don't see how people could have fun at this thing. The crowd was too big and it's not like you'd know anyone unless you came with them.

Ochako abruptly stopped making me nearly knock her over. "Can you just pick a direction?" I asked looking over at her. She was looking straight ahead, her eyes were following something or someone. "What is it?" I asked, trying to see what she was looking at.

"Wow he's hot," I heard her say under her breath. I sighed of course that's why she stopped. "K so Imma go talk to the cute guy over there, you go mingle and find your mate." She pushed me away from her and headed in the direction she had been looking.

"Wait! Ochako!" I tried to follow but quickly lost her in the crowd. "Well fuck." I had lasted about 20 minutes before getting ditched by the one person I was there for, great.

I looked around still trying to find Ochako as I made my way to the edge of the room. What was I supposed to do? I don't want to talk to these people, half of them are probably just trying to get into someone's pants, that was not going to be me.

I sat on one of the benches still scanning the crowd. Everyone was nicely dressed, either in dresses or a nice suit. There probably wasn't anyone over the age of 21 in the crowd other than maybe the waiters who were carrying trays of food around the room and the bartenders.

I noticed someone walking towards me, and I don't mean just going to sit in a seat near me, he was making eye contact. He had weird purple hair that almost looked like it was shaped to look like balls on his head, and he was short, like extremely short. It's not that I have anything wrong with short people, I'm relatively short myself, but this guy just creeped me out.

"Hey baby, the names Minoru Mineta, you look lonely, you want to maybe get out of here and do something a little more exciting?" Man, this guy was a creep. He is the whole reason I didn't want to come to this thing.

"I'm fine, I'm here with a friend and I shouldn't leave without them," I told him. Everything about him just set off sirens in my head telling me to get away.

"Oh come on babe, it would be more fun than hanging around this place," he said, sitting way too close to me and resting a hand on my thigh much too high for my liking.

Ok, that is a very big no right there. "I said no," I said, moving his hand off of me. "I'm not interested in you."

"Oh sure you are, you're just playing hard to get," he said.

"Hey! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Someone with blond hair said walking up to us. I gave him a confused look as he spoke. "Come on dude, let's go get some food," he said taking my hand and pulling me away from the pervert. When he got further away he spoke "I'm sorry, you just looked really uncomfortable and I could tell you didn't want anything to do with him. I'm Denki Kaminari by the way."

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