20. Unwanted Visitor

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Midoriya's POV

"Izuku someone's at the door for you!" Mom yelled up the stairs. I groaned I didn't want to get out of bed, I had a headache, my hair was a mess and I was on the brink of tears again and on top of that I felt numb, I just didn't want to do anything.

I took one moment before swinging my legs over the bed and heading downstairs.

Mom was talking to whoever was at the door and by the way she was talking it made me believe it wasn't Ochako or even Todoroki. Who could it be?

"It's been so long since you've been over, what have you been up to?" she asked.

"Work mostly." That voice. No no no I can't do this right now, I can't do this right now. I do not have the energy to do this right now. "But my parents and I also travelled some." Lier.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and went over to the door, keeping my breathing as calm as possible. "Leave," I told Yuuma, venom coating the word.

Mom looked at me shocked. "Izuku that's no way to talk to Yuuma," she scolded.

I took in a shaky breath. Too much had happened today for me to have the energy to be nice. "No offence mom, but he has to leave."

"Why Izuku? It's been so long, we haven't caught up," Yuuma said, pretending to be hurt by my words.

Mom pulled my sleeve softly and lent up to my ear. "Is there something you're not telling me?" She asked quietly. I nodded discreetly. She put on a fake smile and turned back to Yuuma. "It seems like a very bad time right now, Izuku's been through a lot this morning, maybe you should come back later."

I silently thanked her for not letting him in. She didn't know what happened but she picked up on how much I didn't want to see him.

"Oh well, maybe I can help, give you someone to talk to."

The energy it would usually take for me to be scared of the edge he had to his voice wasn't there. I just felt numb and didn't want to deal with him. "Yuuma, I do not have the energy to deal with the shit you're trying to put me through, again, so leave me alone."

He looked shocked, but after so long of him abusing and trying to make me scared to disobey him, he shouldn't be surprised. I felt like my mom being there was the only reason he wasn't yelling yet, and honestly, she was the only thing stopping me from going off at him as well.

"Mrs. Midoriya, would you mind if I talked with your son alone?" He asked, probably thinking my confidence was coming from mom.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea," she said.

"It's fine," I told her, glaring at Yuuma. Mom furrowed her eyebrows and I nodded again for her to leave us alone. "So are you going to leave?" I asked Yuuma, crossing my arms.

"Tsk, bitch, don't talk to me like that, I do what I want when I want." He grabbed my shirt caller, dragging me closer to him in an attempt to make me scared. It would have worked if I had the energy, but I don't. I hadn't had a chance to regain energy after what happened with Todoroki.

"I can not stress this enough," I said slowly so he would understand. "I do not have the energy to deal with you today or even be scared of you today. So for once, fuck off."

His face was riddled with confusion in my newfound confidence. I used to be confident like this, but after two years of Yuuma stripping it away it was hard to get it back, but I just don't care anymore. Todoroki, my soulmate, cheated on me, so what's the point now. I have nothing to lose as it stands.

"You will come back to me like you always do," he seethed. "That's why I did this, to get you back."

I took his hand and pulled it off of me. "Don't you understand? I don't see the point anymore. There's no point so I'm not going back to you. I'm going to be alone now and you can't change that."

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