3. Make Me Fall In Love

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Midoriya's POV

Oh my god, I can't do this, I can't do this. I seriously can not do this right now.

I paced the small balcony trying to clear my head. Don't think about it, don't think about HIM. I could feel my breathing speeding up as I ran a hand through my hair, closing my eyes to try and concentrate. Just breath.

"Izu are you ok?" I heard Ochako ask as the doors opened and closed behind me.

I couldn't think, too many memories were flooding back. That smirk that would plaster his face was ingrained in my memories. "I-I don't know, I'm scared Ochako," I managed to say. "I'm really, really, scared."

Her brows creased and she took my shaking hands, massaging them lightly. "Hey, it's ok, look at me, it's ok." Her voice was calm, just like all the other times she had done this for me. "Just breath, tell me what happened," she said gently as I looked up at her.

I took a few shaky breaths. The air was cold but it felt nice. I tried to clear my mind. "I-I found him, Ochako, my mate, I found him."

Her eyes widened and a smile grew on his lips. "Oh my god, Izuku that's amazing!"

"No!" I cut her off. "No, it's not, I didn't want to find my mate, I didn't want to come here because I knew if I did I would and now I have and I'm scared he's just going to use me," I confessed. My eyes started to sting but I refused to cry right now. "Just like- I just don't want that to happen, I can't do that again Ochako." I hoped she heard how serious I was about this. It wasn't just a small phobia, I was scared to let myself be vulnerable around anyone who wasn't Ochako or my parents.

"I'm sure he won't," Ochako rubbed my hands some more. "Not every alpha is like..." even she couldn't say the name. "Him. This guy is your mate, the universe thinks you two are meant to be together, he will treat you right and if he doesn't he'll have to answer to me!" She said getting into a fake fighting stance and making me laugh softly. I used my hands to try and wipe away a stray tear that crossed my cheek.

Deep down I knew she was right, and he did seem like a good guy. It was just that nagging sensation in the back of my mind telling me not to trust someone so easily again. I had thought the other alpha was good too.

"Thank you, Ochako," I pulled her into a hug. "I don't know what I would do without you," I said.

She hugged me tightly. "Well you wouldn't be here, that's for sure," she said chuckling. "If you want we can leave, I've already found my soulmate and we've exchanged contacts. He'd understand."

"No, you should stay and get to know him more, I'll be fine, I'm just going to stay out here for a while," I told her. "You should go have fun." I pushed her gently towards the door. I didn't want to stand between her and her mate.

She hesitated but then smiled. "Ok, but as soon as you want to leave, text me, got it?" She said putting her hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes.

I nodded. "Got it." Ochako smiled, patting me a few times on the shoulders before heading to the door.

Before her hand reached the knob she stopped. "He's going to be good to you, you know that right? He's not going to be like the other alpha," Ochako said not looking back at me.

"How do you know?" I asked. I wish I could say that so confidently.

"I just have a feeling, and you know my feelings are rarely wrong, right?" She asked glancing back at me again.

"Yeah, I know."

Once again I was left alone on the balcony but I was ok with that, I needed to clear my head. I rest my forearms on the railing and look across the forest that surrounded the building. Just over the trees, you could see water, it was a lake big enough that you couldn't see the other side of it. The sun was setting over the lake and it looked beautiful.

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