8. Memories and Nightmares

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Midoriya's POV

I don't know how it happened but I ended up talking with Todoroki all week. we'd call, we'd text, and at one point I FaceTimed him, which was a big step in my mind. It was just so easy to talk with him.

But the problem came when I fell asleep on Friday. It had been a few weeks since I had this nightmare but that didn't change how bad it had been. More often than not my nightmares were memories with crazy detail like I was being sent back to the past.

(warning: attempted sexual assault skip to end of dream if you are not ok with reading this)


My heat was a day late, so that was already stressing me out. It's never a good sign to have your heat late or miss it when you aren't pregnant.

Ochako had come over to check on me because my parents were out of town on a work trip. I hadn't seen her in a long time because of Yuuma so we were in my room catching up. I was feeling a little lightheaded so I had my head laying in Ochako's lap while she played with my hair. It was normal for me to get lightheaded before my heat so this was a good sign.

"You know, the ball's coming up in a few months, you should think of going," she said.

"Ochako, I told you, I'm happy with Yuuma, I don't need anyone else," I told her, but deep down I knew I wasn't happy. He had been yelling at me and he hit me when I didn't do what I was told it was really bad sometimes. But Yuuma said I wouldn't be able to find anyone else who would take me and I thought he was right. After all who would want a useless omega like me?

"I know you're not happy, I've seen you happy," Ochako said sadly. "You should think about it, your mate could help you be happy."

She had been trying to convince me to leave Yuuma for a while, that's why I wasn't supposed to see her anymore. He said I was being brainwashed by her and it's sad to say but for a small amount of time, I believe him. I didn't anymore but that doesn't change the fact that I had at one point. There had been a few times I got away from him, telling myself I'd never go back, but I did. I always ended up back with Yuuma.

I had never been in a relationship before Yuuma so for a long time I didn't know it was a bad relationship.

"Ochako, I'm happy with Yuuma, I am," I told her, trying to convince myself just as much as her. "I don't need my mate." I could feel my body heating up now, my heat was coming. I curled into a tight ball wrapping my arms around my stomach. "Ghha cramps," I groaned.

Ochako ran her hand through my hair again. "I'll get you some water, ok?" She asked standing up. "But really, just think about what I said."

I nodded weakly and squeezed my eyes closed trying to think of anything other than the pain.

The scene changed, but only slightly. It was a day later, I was curled in bed, surrounded by my nest. My breathing was heavy and my whole body was burning up. Ochako had just brought my food in and left to read a book in the living room. That's when it happened. I remembered everything so clearly.

My window slid open, fast and almost silent. The cold wind hit me and I shivered, curling into a tighter ball. At the time I had no idea what was happening. A sickening laugh came from the window and I peaked through my blankets to see Yuuma. "You look so vulnerable," he purred. "Perfect conditions for me to do what I want."

He walked towards me, and I was frozen. I couldn't move a muscle. He was letting out a very dominating scent that made me cower and cover my head in my blankets.

He pulled the blankets off me and got on top. "You're cute, but I'm not here for cute." His hands pulled at my shirt and I whimpered, trying to push him away but I was too weak. Even on a good day, I wasn't strong enough, but in heat, I was weaker. "Be a good little omega and submit. You're only here for my pleasure after all."

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