24. Thats Why I Trust You

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Midoriya's POV

Shoto pulled up to my house to drop me off after our date. We had gone to see Free Guy at a drive-in theatre. Loved the movie.

"Thanks," I told him, a soft smile crossing my lips, as I unbuckled my seatbelt. "That was a lot of fun, I had never been to a drive-in before."

"I had never been to one either," Sho admitted. It had been pretty obvious since he didn't seem to know what he was doing, but I didn't mention it. "I think I preferred that to an actual theatre." I had a feeling that part of that was because we could stay in our car and not have to worry about anyone else. Considering last time we went to a movie together we had bumped into... I'm not supposed to think about him, Ochako kept telling me not to think about him or what happened because it 1. Wasn't my fault so I shouldn't worry about it, and 2. Was in the past.

Sho had agreed with her and I did too, I didn't want to think about it anymore.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah, I think I liked that better too."

Shoto smiled ever so slightly and I could feel my heart race. He chuckled, bringing his hand to my cheek. "You just got very red," he commented. "Care to share what you're thinking?"

My eyes widened slightly and my eyes flickered to the side. "I-I- you just- I like it when you smile," I end up muttering. "Even when it's really small."

He hummed softly, "I like it when you smile too," he told me, pushing my cheek softly to get me to look him in the eyes.

I noticed the soft blush that coated his cheeks. He didn't blush often, at least not that I've noticed so it was sort of nice seeing how he got at least a little flustered too.

"I should... I should go inside, my parents will wonder what's up if I stay too long."

Sho nodded in understanding and opened his door so he could walk me to the door. That was something I loved about him, he did all of these small things that just made me feel so loved and wanted and I just- he's perfect. Granted I didn't know if he insisted on walking me to the door because he didn't want me to get kidnapped again or if he genuinely liked to do it, but either way, I loved it.

"Text me when you get home?" I asked, partly because I wanted to make sure he got home safe but also because I wanted to talk with him more.

"Of course," he told me, leaning in a little. I took this as him wanting a kiss and closed the distance, giving a moment for him to pull back as he would do for me. I could hear him chuckle into the kiss making me pull back and look at him with a flushed face.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Nothing," he told me, pecking my lips one more time. "You're just cute." Sho rested a hand against my cheek and I couldn't help but press my cheek into it. "You know we wouldn't have to say goodbye after every date like this if you moved in with me," He muttered.

Wait what? Move in with him? Like, live with him? At his house? WHAT?

My face was burning and my eyes were wide as I tried to process this. "W-what?" I managed to squeak out.

Shoto was calm and collected like usual, his hand brushing away a strand of my hair. "When you're ready I would like for you to move in with me," he restated his previous statement but that didn't change how insanely HUGE this step was. "When you're ready, that is."

"I- I- umm," my eyes fell to the ground. Shit just say yes stupid me! I want to! I just don't know how to say it!

"Think about it," Sho told me, a gentle smile crossing his lips.

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