6. Movie Date With An Old Friend

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Midoriya's POV

We pulled into a parking lot and I looked out the window to see where we were. It was the movie theatre. I looked over at Todoroki who was unbuckling his seatbelt. "What movie are we seeing?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see," he said. "Hope you like Marvel." We got out of the car and started our way to the theatre.

My face lit up. Marvel End Game had come out a week ago and I hadn't had the time to go and see it. "Yeah, It's one of my favourite franchises. DC's also pretty great, but I like Marvel better, well I guess I like most superhero movies." I realized I was rambling and shut my mouth. "I'm rambling, sorry."

"No, it's ok, It's cute," Todoroki said. My face turned red as I stared at the ground, watching my feet as we walked up to the entrance.

How can he even say stuff like that with a straight face? If I ever tried something like that I'd be too flustered to spit anything out.

Todoroki held the door open for me and we stepped inside. Instantly the aroma of buttered popcorn and those nachos with the fake cheese hit my nose. It was strong but not overbearing.

Todoroki must have bought the tickets online or something because he handed two slips of paper to the person that did the whole ticket thingy and sent us on in to get our snacks.

"You want popcorn?" Todoroki asked me.

"Yeah, sure." We got in line and though I tried Todoroki insisted on paying for the popcorn. I don't care if his dad's a millionaire or whatever, he shouldn't have to pay for everything.

It wasn't till we got to the theatre and took our seats that I realized how comfortable I was now with Todoroki. Of course realizing this made me nervous, my brain telling me I shouldn't be so comfortable with an alpha I had just met the night before. It hadn't even been a full 24 hours.

I think Todoroki picked up on my sudden shift in my mood because he glanced over at me with a concerned look. "Are you ok?" He asked quietly as people took their seats around us.

"Hu? Oh, y-yeah," I stammered. "I'm fine, just Uhh, it's nothing." A semi-loud group of people sat beside me and I tried to ignore them. As long as they didn't keep talking when the movie started it was ok.

Todoroki's brows furrowed. "Are you sure? You seem to be getting tense," he noted out loud.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah, I'm fine." He didn't seem to believe me, but he also didn't ask any questions.

The movie trailers were starting to play when the scent hit me. I stiffened in my seat and didn't dare look behind me because I knew HE was there. Why did he have to be here now of all times? I was having a good time and now... I sucked in a breath and tried to calm myself down, he probably hasn't noticed me, omega's noses are sharper than alpha's. The chance that he's picked up my scent over all the others is slim.

Todoroki glanced my way again, seeing I was very stiff and very uncomfortable. He offered me his hand for comfort I guess? I hesitated for a moment before taking it. I was here with Todoroki, I don't have to think about who's behind me.

He squeezed my hand lightly and the movie started.

Todoroki held my hand the whole movie. It didn't take long for me to forget about everything I had been stressed about and get absorbed in the film. Hero movies always did this to me. Everything else just became background noise.

I've loved hero's my whole life and when I was younger I wanted to be one. Of course, people don't have powers in my universe so that would never happen. Besides, I'm an omega, there were rarely any omega's in any superhero film unless they were the 'damsel in distress' or love interest to the hero who was more often than not an alpha.

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