17. Thunder and Lightning

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Midoriya's POV

"Thank you for having me," Todo bowed to me and my parents as he was about to head home. I had invited him over for dinner with my parents again, well Todo mentioned wanting to get together again over the phone while my mom was in the room, and like last time, she invited him on my behalf.

"It's always a pleasure to have you Todoroki, come over any time!" Mom said cheerfully.

Todo bowed again and my parents gave us some space to say our goodbyes. He took one of my hands carefully and pulled me in a little closer. "It means a lot when you invite me over like this," he told me, a small smile crossing his lips.

"I-it was my mom, not me," I stuttered, blushing as he ran his thumb along the backside of my hand.

"I still like spending time with you at your house, doesn't matter who invited me," he told me.

"I-Uh ok, umm you should get going before-" a loud crack of thunder rolled through the house and I jumped, stumbling into Todo. What the heck Zuse?? "B-before t-that, umm."

I didn't even notice I had fallen into Todoroki's arms until they tightened everything so slightly around me. "Are you ok?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, I just- I don't like thunder," I said quietly, looking down. "O-or lightning, b-but thunder is worse because it's always s-so loud, and it scares me more than the flash of light a-and now I'm rambling, sorry."

Todo shook his head and smiled softly down at me. "It's ok, I told you before, I don't mind it when you ramble."

I nodded, remembering that conversation we had, but it didn't make me feel any better. I looked out the window and noticed the rain had picked up. It was raining so hard that you could barely see two feet outside. "T-Todo, maybe you should stay here until the rain dies down," I said. The last thing I wanted was for the alpha to get hurt driving home in this rain. He looked down at me and cocked an eyebrow. "I-I mean o-only- only if you want to, I-I'm not making you s-stay o-or anything and-" a small chuckle from Todo pulled me from my rambling once again, making me look up at the alpha.

"Mido, it's fine, I'd love to stay a little longer, the rain shouldn't take too long to pass," he said softly.

"Stay as long as you'd like Todoroki!" I heard my mom yell from behind me. We're they listening in? This is mom I'm talking about, of course, she was.

Another crack of thunder went off and I jumped again. Why do I have to be so scared of loud noises?! It's annoying!

"Just let me get my shoes off then we can go do something else till the rain dies down." I nodded and Todo pulled back from me, taking his shoes and rain jacket off.

We decided on watching a movie, it was simple and distracting and since we were watching on my computer we could use headphones to block out the thunder.

I invited Todo to sit beside me on my bed where I had a few pillows set up on the wall so it was more comfortable. I did my best ignoring them thunder, subconsciously leaning into Todo's side. I don't think he minded it at all because he put his arm around my waist protectively.

"W-what movie do you want to watch?" I asked, pulling Netflix up on my laptop.

He hummed softly as he thought before telling me I could pick. Since I'm horrible at decision-making, I picked a random movie after scrolling around for a minute or two.

The headphones helped block the noise but even just seeing the flashes out of the corners of my eyes made it hard to ignore.

I was too focused on not freaking out over the storm that I hadn't even noticed the movie ended until no more sound was coming through the headphones. Of course, right after the sound stopped, a bright flash of lightning came through the window and not a second later, thunder boomed.

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