21. Confirming The Truth

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Midoriya's POV
(this may be a little touch and go in terms of sensitivity so read with caution)

"I guess we can finally start," Yuuma chuckled, bringing his finger to drag over my throat.

I let out a shaky breath, trying to spit the gage out of my mouth by he had tied it around my head and it wouldn't budge. I was stupid for acting confident, I was stupid for trying to stand up to him. He got mad and forced me to leave, coming here. He had tied me to a chair, arms behind my back and legs together in front of me. I could barely move.

Shoto growled, stepping closer. "get away from Izuku."

"Why should I? You cheated on him, he dumped you, he's all mine now." Yuuma's head lowered, hovering closer to my neck. "I can mark him now and you can't do anything about it because you broke his trust in you."

I shook my head, a tear slipping as I tried to tell him to stop but all that came out were muffled pleads as the gage prevented me from talking.

"I said, get away from him," Shoto's growl darkened, coming closer. "Now."

"I'd stay were you are Todoroki, or I'll mark him right now."

Todoroki didn't come closer, but he didn't stop growling either. "He's not yours."

"Nor is he yours, if you don't remember, you cheated and he found out."

"I didn't cheat."

"That kiss you and Toga shared says otherwise." The fact that he knew her name only aided my hypothesis that he had set it up. How could he know her name? I didn't even know her name. I never told him that they kissed either. Yuuma had set it up and I was stupid enough to believe it.

Todoroki seemed to notice the same thing. He knew I wasn't one to tell Yuuma anything about my personal life, so how did he know what happened?

"You don't deserve Izuku, he was mine before he was yours." Yuuma's k9's extended, brushing across my neck and making me whimper.

Todoroki's eyes fixed on where Yuuma's mouth came close to closing around my neck. Silently I begged for him to do something, tears streaming down my face.

Yuuma seemed to ponder something for a moment before pulling back from my neck and spinning the chair around so I was facing him. "I guess it's no fun if I can't hear you," he muttered, untying the gage. "Thought it would be better."

While Yuuma was distracted with me I heard Todoroki's footsteps come closer, he tried attacking, it looked like he threw a punch but missed while Yuuma pulled me from the chair and away from him again. "I said don't come closer," he growled once more, now with our backs facing the door we had come in and Shoto in front of us. He was three, maybe 4 meters away but there was nothing he could do.

"And I told you to let him go!" Shoto growled loudly, regaining his footing and looking ready to charge again.

"P-please just let me go, I'm sorry about earlier, j-just let me go." Trying to be strong when I was at home didn't help my case.

Yuuma's mouth came back to my neck, licking over the skin as his k9's brushed my skin again. "Where's the fun in that? This way I get what I want."

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