4. Can't Help It

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Midoriya's POV

"So make me," I said with a smirk and newfound confidence. "Make me fall in love with you." That confidence was slowly seeping away.

Oh my god, what am I doing? It's like someone has possessed my body and is making me say all this. I bet it's Ochako. Ah stop it I know it's me, but how? I don't want to fall in love, that hasn't worked out all that well for me.

But this was supposed to be my soulmate, he's supposed to be different. Ochako says he's different. I want to believe her, I do, but I don't know how to start.

"Prove that you are worthy and aren't just here to toy with me," I continued. Why was I saying this? It's not like I had a choice in this matter, the universe already decided I was going to fall in love with this alpha.

My words seemed to make his smile falter slightly but it didn't leave his lips completely. Great, now I'm probably making him feel bad. "Ok, I'll take you up on that challenge, just know that it's going to be very hard for you to win this."

"Whoever said I wanted to," I said. I did want him to be good. I wanted to have someone to be able to hold and hold me, the universe says it's him so he's supposed to be good to me... right? He's supposed to be good.

Todoroki smirked. "So what about that dance now, make you fall for my dancing skills first," he said offering his hand to me.

Ok calm down, say something funny. "What skills? The only thing that will be falling is you when you trip," I chuckled while taking his hand. Man, that sounds so cringy now that I'm saying it. Definitely sounded better in my head. Why can't I just keep my mouth shut? I'm going to embarrass myself and then he's probably going to hate me.

I pushed the thoughts aside, as much as Todoroki reminded me of him, something told me he was different. There were little things, like how tender he held my hand, or the spark that I felt when we touched, or the small sparkle I would catch in his eye when he looked at me. He WAS different.

He laughed a little and that made me feel a bit better. "Well, if you're the one who ends up falling I'll catch you." Oh god, he was so cheesy. At least I'm not the only one.

"Is that supposed to be a pickup line?" I asked as he held the door open for me.

"Did it work?" He asked. There was a small smirk lining his lips as he talked.

"No," I said. Ok, maybe it worked a little. He pulled me out to the dance floor and placed his hands on my waist while I put mine on his shoulders. It was sort of weird doing this, I understood the concept of dancing but I had never really danced with someone before. When I say that I mean like a formal dance, I've danced plenty of times with Ochako, but never a slow dance.

Todoroki seemed a little uncomfortable as well. Maybe we should find something else to do?

"Hey, I Uhh know it's 8 but do you want to maybe go and get some dinner since there wasn't exactly a proper meal here?" Todoroki asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Dinner?" I asked not catching everything he had said.

"Yeah, I mean, you said you didn't want to be here, so I just thought..."

"I don't know," I told him. "I'm supposed to be driving my friend home tonight."

"Oh, yeah, understandable."

"Sorry," I said looking down. He looked disappointed, I didn't like that.

"You don't need to apologize."

He says that but I feel like I do. "So- I mean ok," I said, catching myself before I apologized for apologizing.

Todoroki chuckled softly and I feel my face heating up. I've already lost, haven't I?

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