23. An Apology And Explanation

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Midoriya's POV

Sho and I were taking the day to walk through the park. It had been a week since the whole Yuuma incident and I could confidently say I was the happiest I had been in a long time.

I still felt bad for thinking he would cheat on me, but Shoto reminded me that it was ok and I didn't need to think about the past anymore.

"Can we get ice cream?" I asked, pointing over to a small ice cream shop on the other side of the road that divided the park from the shops.

Sho nodded, a small smile crossing his lips. "Yeah."

I smiled brightly and pulled us over to the shop, only vaguely remembering that the last time we did something like this was when I was made to believe Sho was cheating. "We should go to the bridge once we get out ice cream, it has a good view."

"The bridge?" Shoto asked. I guess he's never been around here then, or it was more of a place where Ochako and I went and not known well.

"Yeah, there's a bridge not too far from here that passes over a stream, it's on one of the lesser-used trails."

Sho nodded. "Ok, you'll have to show me."

"I will!" I smiled up at him as we entered the ice cream shop.

My friends and I used to go to the bridge in our free time to just hang out and when we were younger, play. Though after my childhood friend Kacchan moved away we started going less and less and eventually stopped once I started dating Yuuma. Ochako and I didn't go back after I broke up with the alpha, maybe it could be to hang out again, now that all that drama is over and done with.

While I was off in my head Shoto paid for the ice creams.

"You know I could have paid for my own," I told him.

"Yes, I know that, but you weren't paying attention so I paid." He licked his ice cream, I think he ordered a double scoop of Moose Tracks. It looked good, with lots of chocolate in it.

My ice cream was a double of Neopolitan, arguably my favourite flavour the shop has. "Then I'll just have to pay you back," I told him.

I think Shoto was about to argue when his words got caught in his throat and a soft growl replaced it as he glared at the person who just walked in.

It was the woman who had kissed Sho.

Her eyes met ours and a guilty look crossed her face. She took a deep breath and approached us.

"What do you want?" Shoto asked, still growling as he punched me behind him.

I peeked over his shoulder, studying her face.

"I-" she took another deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before speaking. "I'm sorry," she said, making us both confused. "About what happened, I'm sorry."

"Why should we accept your apology?" Sho asked.

"You don't have to... but I am sorry," Toga repeated. "I... I didn't know what Yuuma had been planing, he just said that if I did that then- no, you know what... nothing makes up for it, I'm just really sorry. I didn't know he would be so forceful or- or try and do those things. I didn't know his endgame and I still went along, I shouldn't have."

I stared at her for a moment, she was being sincere.

"Would have been nice if you realized that before putting Izuku through that," Shoto grumbled. "You could have helped us when he kidnapped Izu."

Toga scratched the back of her neck. "I tried," she said. "When... when it happened, Yuuma gave me Midoriya's things so he couldn't contact anyone," she began to explain. "When I realized what he was doing was wrong, I used his phone and called the first contact, umm Ochako I think."

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