13. The good the bad and the ugly

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Midoriya's POV

I had no good reason for avoiding Todoroki the way I did after our phone call. I'll admit that. But I felt like he was getting too close and it was starting to scare me. I wanted to open up to him and talk to him but it scared me too much so when I had slipped up and told him a little about what Yuuma did, I did the only thing I could think of, I pushed him away.

The days leading up to my heat and during my heat, I forced myself to stay in my room and not answer the phone unless it was Ochako or my parents. I think I scared Todoroki a little after hanging up so fast because he called and texted several times.

I know I shouldn't be pushing Todoroki away, but I have trust issues and I didn't want to be hurt again. Every bone in my body ached and missed Todoroki but at the moment I just needed space. I wasn't sure why but I did.

"You gotta answer him eventually," Ochako scolded me. I sat in my desk chair curled up, the sweater that Todoroki had given me sitting on my knees so it was closer to my face. It had lost Todoroki's scent but it was still soft and comforting. "You can't just push him away because you opened up a tiny bit and got scared!"

"I know," I mumbled, resting my forehead against my knees.

"I understand you got trust issues, but you have to talk with him again!" Ochako paced my room, probably making a groove in the floor from how much she walked that one line. "He's your soulmate. It's going to do more harm than good by pushing him away now."

"I know," I mumbled again.

She stopped in front of me, her hands on her hips and leaning forward a little. "If you know then answer the alpha's damn texts!"

I lay my head back against the seat and looked at Ochako. "I can't! He's going to hate me!"

"He won't hate you."

"I have so much baggage and shit going on in my head! It's hard for me to trust people! He's going to hate me."

"That won't make him hate you."

"But it will! I can barely get through one conversation with him without freaking out that I said something wrong or said too much or-"

"Izu, babes, at this rate you're going to spiral. So take a deep breath and let me talk you through this rationally." I nodded and took in a deep breath. "You, Izuku Midoriya, are my best friend, so I think I have the right to say that you are thinking about this way too much. A lot has happened over the past two years. But you gotta put Yuuma behind you and look at what you have now. I don't know Todoroki well but from what I saw the night of the ball and what you've told me he's a great guy and doesn't want to hurt you. There aren't a lot of alphas in the world like that."


She put a finger over my lips. "Let me finish. So what if you told him about that bitchy alpha. If he wants to understand you he's going to want to know everything about you. The good the bad and the ugly. You don't have to tell him but I think you should. If he runs because of something that happened to you in the past then he doesn't deserve you." I nodded weakly. "He keeps texting you doesn't he?" I nodded again. "So he's not running. So you get that phone of yours out and text him back!"

I sighed. "Why do you have to sound so reasonable?" I asked pulling my phone out reluctantly.

"Because I'm your best friend and seem to be the only one who has a steady relationship with my mate," she said. Ochako and Iida had a decent relationship. She already knew a lot about him and they had gone on many dates. I sort of wished I wasn't such a scaredy-cat and just let myself be comfortable with Todoroki already.

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