19. Misunderstanding

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Midoriya's POV

"Come on Izuku, you gotta come out of there eventually," Ochako called through my door. "What even happened back there?" She asked. After what happened with Todoroki at the cafe Ochako drove me home. She hadn't asked any questions but did give me the option to speak.

I haven't told her what happened, I don't want to talk about it, and I don't want to think about it either. The second I got home I ran up to my room and locked the door, leaving Ochako downstairs and confused, hoping she wouldn't do what she's doing now and take the hint. "J-just go away!" I yelled back.

"Izu, you don't have to tell me what happened but at least let me-" her words cut off and I heard quiet muttering from the other side of the door.

"Izuku can you let me in?" I hear my dad ask this time. His voice was low and soothing, making me want to go and open the door but I didn't, nor did I answer. "My boy, it's better to talk it out than keep it all in."

I got out of bed with an annoyed sigh, opening the door. "I said I don't want to talk about it, so leave me alone." I slammed the door but it didn't close, someone's food was lodged in the doorway.

"Ouch," dad said before carefully pushing the door open more. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but it's never good to let your emotions build like this."

"Izuku, just let us help," Ochako said quietly.

My eyes stung and I felt my shoulders start to shake. "J-just leave m-me a-alone." My voice shook and I tried to hold back a sob while wiping my face with the sleeves to my sweater. "P-please."

Everything in me was screaming for comfort, for warmth, for the alpha I was soulmates with... the alpha who hurt me. I felt a heavy, but comforting hand rest on my shoulder and within seconds I was falling into my dad's arms, sobbing against his chest.

"Ochako can you give me some time alone with my son?" Dad asked, rubbing my back gently.

She hesitated but nodded, leaving us be. "I'll be downstairs," Ochako said quietly as she headed for the stairs.

"Son, are you ok?" He asked softly, running a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm me. I shook my head, a sob cutting off any words that tried to form. "Did something happen with young Todoroki? Is that why Ochako had to pick you up?"

It wasn't often that I talked to my dad about relationships, so it was a little weird, but oddly comforting. I nodded my head. "H-he- he's cheating o-on me," I sobbed quietly.

"It's ok, my boy, it's ok," he said quietly. But it wasn't ok. It wasn't. He was supposed to be my soulmate, the one person I was supposed to be with for the rest of my life, the one person who wasn't going to hurt me, the one person I could trust with anything, and he did this to me. "Maybe it was a misunderstanding."

Todoroki had told me he wasn't cheating, but he was kissing that girl, how could he not be cheating? He didn't even look like he wanted to push her away or anything, he just sat there and kissed her.

It was clear my dad didn't know what to do, he just rubbed my back trying to help me calm down, and it would have worked, if my brain wasn't telling me to run to Todoroki for comfort and then reminding me of what I saw. It was just a constant loop, a few things my mind made up mixed in there.

Todoroki telling me I was useless.

Him scolding me for being so weak.

And a vision of that tender hand not being so tender...

I knew those were false memories, I knew that. He had never done anything to hurt me before, but then today...

I pulled away from my dad, staring at the ground as he watched me worriedly. "Can you just leave me alone?" I asked. "Please." My voice was wobbly, threatening the crack.

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