A Needed Meeting

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It's been three days since Pro Huntsman Ruin attacked Ruby and you killed him, Hawk's Mom is almost back to Beacon Academy, where your identity and the identity of your fellow Sins are safe.

"I'm going to know why you sent a Huntsman after us, and I'm going to know it now. Else Salem is going to destroy Remnant without any resistance from me or my fellow Sins." You threaten him.

"I simply sent him to gauge the Sins's strength, I didn't send him to hunt you."

"I don't care about what happens to me, Ruby is in the infirmary because of your ignorant actions." Ban walks up from behind you.

"I find it mighty convenient that a Copper Demon showed up right as Ruin attacked. Don't you Cap'n?" Ozpin stand up quickly.

"No human has the power to control Demons, if your assuming I somehow controlled one, you are sorely mistaken." King floats above you all, he looks at Ozpin.

"I mean, you did make that Qrow guy and his sister birds. Who's to say you can't control a Demon? As much as I hate to say it, I'm with Ban on this."

"Thanks buddy."

"We're still not friends Ban." Ban chuckles.

"Enough. Merlin? Do you know anyone who can control a Demon of that power?" You ask her. She walks around from behind Ozpin's desk.

"I'm afraid not Captain. I know of certain spells that could do the trick, but only a skilled magic user could pull them off, they require a significant amount of time and magic power."
You pace around the room. Diane speaks up.

"Captain?" You look at her.

"Would it be crazy to assume that Salem could learn those spells?"

"No, but it's definitely a stretch, Salem is just a human... ish, person."

"She's not just human-like Captain, she's immortal. Assuming she actually wanted to, she could learn them. The question is, if she has enough magic power to cast such a spell."

"She has just as much, if not more than me. We are from the same era after all." Ozpin speaks up.

"We still have to gather the last two Sins, Gowther and Escanor.

"I haven't heard of this Escanor, which Sin is he?" Glynda asks.

"Escanor, The Lion Sin of Pride. He's even stronger than me." You tell Glynda.

"But aren't you leader? I thought you were the strongest loving being alive." You laugh.

"Escanor is on a whole new level. Given how he's feeling, he could take all of us." You refer to yourself, Glynda, and Ozpin."

"You're kidding!" Glynda says.

"No he isn't." Merlin speaks up.

"Escanor could destroy an entire Academy with one blow."

"Lady Merlin! You're joking right?! No one is that strong." Glynda says in disbelief.

"I'm not kidding about his strength. If Escanor wasn't on our side, Remnant would fall in days. Not the people, but the planet would fall victim to his absolute power. It would take the other six Sins's combined full power to even stand a chance." Ozpin and Glynda are shocked.

"And he wasn't the first Sin you went for because?"

"Because we needed Ban to get to King. Merlin being here just happened to be super lucky. And Diane was in the forest." You tell Ozpin.

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