The Incoming War

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"Guys... we'll talk about this later. For now we need to figure out how this guy was turned into a Grimm." You tell them.

"Could it be man-made?" King asks. Ban walks over to the man and sees an odd organism attached to him. He yanks it off.

"Mm... maybe, but who would do that?"

"Hendrickson." Gowther says.

"You figure something out Gowther?" A light arrow is piercing the creature.

"The person responsible for this transformation, is Huntsman Leader Hendrickson."

"Can he create Grimm?"

"No there's one more. A woman. She has pale skin and a dark expression across her face. Captain? Is this the same women from from all those years ago?" You step forward.

"Yeah. It's her. Salem..."

"She must be the mastermind and creator of this amalgamation of humanity and Grimm." King says. He gasps.

"If she's infiltrated he Huntsman Academies, she could take over each Kingdom with weeks!"

"Well, looks like we're going to Beacon."

"Firstly." Ban crushes the creature in his hand.

"I need at drink. Let's get back to the Tavern."

"I bet Diane is worried."

"Oh yeah, about the Cap'n." King grunts in annoyance. You walk up to Ruby.

"Thanks to you my mind is clear. Now c'mon, let's get back and take a breather."


"Gowther, I want you to meet four young ladies." King introduces Team RWBY.

"Hi I'm Yang Xiang Long!"

"Hello Yang."

"I'm Blake Belladonna."

"A Belladonna? Intriguing." He says.

"Greetings, I am Weiss Schnee." Weiss curtsies.

"A pleasure Ms. Schnee." He looks at Ruby.

"Gowther? Will you help us locate the rest of the Sins?" Ruby asks.

"No." Everyone is shocked.

"No?" Ruby asks.

"This is not the first time we have met, unless you are not Summer, in which case, that would make you her daughter, Ruby. Am I correct?"

"I am... I'm Ruby Rose."

"I can tell by your eyes. You both have the same optimism shining deep within them." Gowther continues.

"Which is why we need you buddy. Whad'dya say? Wanna help us locate the rest of the gang?"

"I will. I also assume we are protecting Ruby and her friends considering they are not licensed Huntresses yet."

"Yeah! And with Gowther that brings our Sin count up to five! I say let's get drunk to celebrate!" Ban and Diane cheer, King has an expression of excitement on his face.

"Wait, you're letting us drink?" Weiss asks. You look at the heiress.

"Normally I wouldn't, but since your bases are covered by some of the most powerful people on the planet, I'll allow it once." You say holding up one finger.

"Just don't go too crazy, Vacuian Ale is hot stuff. I need you guys at your bests tomorrow!" You tell them. They all jump, even Weiss who was never allowed to do this.

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