Old Friends

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"Is Ban okay?!" Yang asks.

"I'm fine! Calm down." Ban appears behind everyone.

"Hey." He says casually holding a pile of Demon hearts.

"EW!!" Ruby squeaks. You look back and see four Demons drop dead.

"Nice one Ban!" You look over to Ruby and her friends.

"Okay girls, Demons have more than one heart. Make sure you take each of them out!" You turn around.


"Well yeah, it is your school after all." Diane sets them down on the ground and smashes her fists together.


"RIGHT!" Diane picks you up and throws you directly at a Demon, you fly straight through its chest, creating a massive hole. One of them run toward you, you jump up and slam your fist into its face, it recoils back and you jump above it and crush its head inward, almost making it look like a slinky.

"HAAH!!" Diane runs beside you and uppercuts a Demon and then lands a combination of punches and kicks to its torso until all of its hearts are destroyed.

"FOX HUNT!!!" Ban yells out and yanks out five Demon hearts all at once. Multiple demons fall dead.

"Woah... they're so strong." Ruby says.

"RUBY!" Yang yells out and pushes her out of the way before a Demon can crush her. Yang is stomped on, but the foot starts to lift slowly.

"RRRGGHH..." Yang struggles to lift the foot, she activated her Semblance and easily removes the foot, she fires her gauntlets down and slams her fist into the Demon's chest, taking out a heart. Ruby, Weiss and Blake all fire at the cavity. Weiss creates a glyph in the middle of the Demon's chest cavity, splitting it in half.

"See?! I told'ja you guys could do it!" You run by and unsheathe your broken blade, and in a flash of light, five Demons drop.

"RUSH ROCK!!" Diane stomps on the ground and launches a volley of boulder size chunks of ground at each Demon, connecting and even killing multiple. You eye a Demon in the back charging up a magic blast, you move back behind everyone.

"MOVE!!" You tell them. The Demon fires it's blast.

"FULL COUNTER!!!" You swing the broken blade at the blast and reflect it, incinerating all of the Demons in front of of you. You land and sheathe the blade. You turn around and give a thumbs up.

"Hehe. Easy as pie!" You tell them. Just then a Gray Demon lands behind you.

"CAPTAIN!" Diane creates a wall behind you to block the magical attack from the Demon.

"Oh great. A Gray one." You say in a more serious tone.

"We need to kill that thing now." Diane says as it rampages, blowing the Forever Fall forest to bits. You look behind it and see a horde of Grimm.

"BAN! I have an idea! Get its attention!" You tell him.

"Yup." Ban jumps towards the Gray Demon.

"Girls? I need you four to get back into the school, now you can let us handle it."

"But I thought—?" You look at Ruby.

"Ruby, please just get to safety. This is going to be big." You tell her. She nods reluctantly.

"C'mon guys, we need to go."

"Blake." You say. The Faunus turns around.

"I'll see you soon." Shes is confused but this.

"O-Okay?" She turns around and runs off with the rest of the girls.

"Diane? I need you to try and thin that herd of Grimm." You point at them.

"But don't kill all of them, the more Grimm I can wipe out, the better."

"What're you gonna do?"

"Wait for Ban to anger that Demon enough to shoot me." You say as you unsheathe your broken sword.

"Go line 'em up Diane!" You say.

"On it." Diane punches the ground and rides the ground like a wave.


"Got it Captai—." Ban is stomped on, but moments later, he's behind it crack by his neck.

"I appreciate that y'know? Had the the most damning crick in my neck. Now can we—?" Ban is sliced down the middle, but his body just moves back together.

"OH FOR F—!" Then he's stomped on again.
He pops up again.

"UCK'S SAKE! MY CRICK IS BACK YOU BASTARD!" The Demon whacks him toward you of all places and begins to charge up.

"ALRIGHT BAN, MY TURN! DIANE! GET BACK!" She nods and rides the earth beneath her back.

It fires its immense magical attack.

"FULL COUNTER!!" A distinct "ding" can be heard upon impact, the beam is reflected back toward the Demon and turns it to ash, the Grimm behind it are wiped out as well. You stand there casually and sheathe your sword. You look at your friends and make a peace sign. You're suddenly surrounded by weapons and the cocking of guns. You scratch your nape.

"Sate sate sate... we just saved everyone and now you're gonna attack us?"


"Yeah, I am." You say casually putting your hands in your pockets. You vanish behind the entire group.

"I don't want to fight you guys, I know you're just doing your job but, if you get in my way, I might have to." You vanish again.

"MELIODAS!!" You look above them all, there standing on a broken pillar.

"Dreyfus and Hendi?! You've both grown so much!!"

"We're not here for poultry small talk traitor!" Hendrickson yells at you

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"We're not here for poultry small talk traitor!" Hendrickson yells at you. You smile at that word.

"I mean yeah, but no." You feel an odd energy come from Dreyfus.

"No.." You utter. You quickly move back to your allies.

"Guys, while we'd love to chat, he have to go."

"Where to next Captain?" Diane asks.

"We got to go find King, Gowther and Merlin still."

"You're not going anywhere!" Dreyfus holds out his sword out.

"SILKEN SPEAR!" A beam of energy comes from a his sword, but it disappears almost instantly.

                       "Absolute Cancel."

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