The Power of Sin

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Diane's P.O.V

"HRA!!" You pummel a Beowolf until it's nothing but dust all while King slices and dices the flying Grimm.

"These things never end. They also never learn." King says. You uppercut an Ursa high into the sky.

"Everyone! Get inside the school!" Glynda tells the students. They all stare at you and King decimating the Grimm trying to maul everyone.

"Diane? Stay here." Glynda tells you.

"Not like I have a choice!" You kick another Ursa toward King, he slices the beast in two halves.

"It would be very helpful!" King slices a Nevermore's wings off, it plummets into the dirt.

"If you didn't lose your Sacred Treasure right about now!"

"Don't judge me! I'm forgetful!" You punch a hole clean through yet another Ursa. Then you pick up a light post and begin bludgeoning the Grimm with it. Suddenly they're all pushed back.

"Diane! Ms. Merlin gave Professor Ozpin a multitude of these spell bead things, she told me to tell you to use them in this order: Black, Orange, Purple then Red. This should return you to your normal size and give you the appropriate clothing." Glynda tosses the spell beads at you.

"I'll be sure to thank her!"

"And when you are normal size, come to the back of the school, Professor Ozpin found something you might like." Glynda kills a few more Grimm, allowing you to return to your normal size after using the spell beads, you then give yourself your old clothes.

"Aw yeah! I'm back!"

"Diane! Go see what Ozpin wants!" King uses Chastiefol like a buzzsaw, ripping the Grimm apart. You run to the back of the school.

"Chastiefol, Fifth Comfiguration: Increase!" Hundreds of small kunai rain down on the Grimm, keeping them at bay for now.

"Ozpin!" He walks out from the exit door.

"Leaning on the secondary tower northwest of the main tower. Go now!" He tells you. You run over to the tower to see your pride and joy;

"Gideon!!" You pick up your massive hammer and spin it around.

"Now I really am back!!" You yell as you hurry back to King. You finally make it back around to the front of the building. You see King fending off multiple Nevermores, you spin Gideon above your head.

"HRRRAAAAAHHH!!!" You slam the hammer's head into the ground behind you and swing the weapon forward, slinging boulders toward multiple Nevermores. You place your hand on the ground.

"RUSH ROCK!!" A wave of rocks fly at the Grimm horde, decimating all of them. All the Grimm begin to shift into dust, except the last one, which you step on with a mighty boot.

"Really incredible Diane!" King tells you, you throw up a peace sign.

"C'mon! We need to go make sure Ban and the Captain are okay." You begin to run towards the auditorium with King following behind.

"My my, if it isn't Harlequin." A deep voice says.

"Diane, get to the Captain, Ban and Team RWBY. I'll hold this Huntsman off." King tells you, you turn around to see a man clad in bronze armor.

"Diane, go!" King yells out.

"Okay, be careful!" You continue toward the Captain.

Ruby's P.O.V

"Meliodas... please come back." You say to the odd crystal. You look up to see Ban and Yang attacking Tyrian and Guila, while Jericho stares you down.

"He's not getting out of there girl, now hand it over before I have to hurt you. You're interfering in official Huntsman business, which means I could consider you a target as well. But I won't since you're a child, but do not  tempt me." Jericho runs at you, you use your speed to get behind her, Weiss and Blake jump where you used to be. Jericho instead runs at them, she raises her blade and begins to fight the duo, two on one. Jericho is simply too experienced and easily fends Weiss off, having a small margin of trouble with Blake's Semblance, but she manages to defeat Blake with a kick to her throat, breaking her Aura. Jericho slowly starts walking toward you.

"Last chance girl. Hand it over." You look over and see Ban has been split down the middle, and Yang being attacked by Guila as Tyrian watches Ban, waiting for him to regenerate.

"I apologize, but I simply must end this fight." Guila holds her rapier toward Yang as balls of fire surround her.

"I'm guessing if I touch these they're gonna explode huh?" Yang asks.

"Very astute of you, but they will explore without your interaction necessary." The fireballs erupt with a loud boom, Yang is sent flying, bruised and battered. You use your Semblance to speed toward her and catch her.

"YANG!!" You hold her, she's deadly silent as her eyes slowly close.

"YANG!!!" Guila and Jericho walk up to you.

"Ms. Rose, please come with us, and please do not resist." Guila says to you.

"MELIODAS!!!" You scream his name, begging for help.

"Screaming for him will not help, he will never escape that gem, now please come along. We have much to discuss." Guila asks again.


"Ugh this isn't going anywhere." Jericho moves toward you to pick you up. She grabs your hood.

"Listen girl! Nothing is coming to help you! All of your friends are out and down for the count! Now you're coming with us!!"

"LET GO OF MY CLOAK!!" Just as you yell at Jericho, the gem cracks and out from it pours dark, black light.

Ban's P.O.V

"Ah, Sin of Greed. You're finally awake." The Faunus says to you.

"You slimy bastard, that tail packs a punch if you swing hard enough huh?" You breathe in and out, recollecting yourself.

"I'm afraid that will not be the worst thing that's happened today, it would appear your "Captain" is back, and he doesn't look too pleased." Tyrian cackles more.

"It's exactly as she predicted!" Tyrian is laughing insanely now. You just feel the Captain's energy. Shock grows along your face and creeps into your soul.

"I've felt this energy before..." You think back to the Demon that destroyed the Fairy King's Forest.

"Well! This is my cue to leave! It was fun you Deadly Sins." Tyrian laughs maniacally as he runs away to escape the incoming carnage.

"No... it can't be..." Standing in between Ruby and Jericho...

" Standing in between Ruby and Jericho

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