Races Collide

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Present Day

"Eh, I guess I'll sleep here." You place your sleeping bag on the floor of the ballroom.
"Why don't you just sleep in the tavern?" Hawk asks.
"Because I'm a student here Hawk, I have to get in that mindset."
"I guess Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow." Hawk leaves to go back to the tavern. You set up your sleeping area and take your shirt off, you hear a few girls swoon but ignore them. You lie down flat on your sleeping bag, just before you drift off to sleep. You hear a loud voice.
"HEEELLLLLOO!!" You look over to see Yang dragging Ruby toward Blake.
"I believe you two may know each other?"
"Hi! My name is Ruby! But you can just call me Crater... or you can just call me Ruby..." This makes you laugh a little.
"She's just like Summer." You stand up and go walking over, being incredibly careful to hide your Dragon Mark from everyone.
"Okay." Blake responds you Ruby.
"I like your shirt!" Yang says.
"It goes great with your... paja- oh my...~" Yang gets cut off by the sight of you shirtless, leaning on the wall, hiding your Dragon Mark perfectly.
"Yo! I see you guys have met Blake."
"You know her?" Ruby asks.
"Yep, we met during some business, I helped her, she helped me, etcetera. Don't worry, Once Blake gets to know you, she's a super softie." You snicker.
"Shut up Y/n! I am not!"
"Are to." You stick your tongue out, Blake looks away and blushes.
"What is going on over here? Don't you know people are trying to sleep?" Weiss comes over wiping her eyes, she takes a quick glance at Ruby, Yang looks at Weiss.
You face palm and notice Blake staring at your left arm, she looks at your eyes, you slowly put your finger to your lips to let her know no one else needs to know. She nods and you wink at her, making her blush more. Just then, something that felt incredibly familiar hit you.
"Damn my father..." You get off the wall and tell the ladies goodnight while they all look away.
"Goodnight girls!"
"Goodnight Y/n!" They all yell in unison.
You walk back to your sleeping bag, and decide it would be best to put your shirt on, one in case someone spots your mark and two because of Yang. You lie down and begin to drift into sleep.

"You abandoned your people for a woman... you were destined for the throne!"

You jump out of sleep, you look around and see everyone is still asleep, however, you can see sunlight just peeking over the horizon.
"Well, good morning I guess, perhaps I'll go get ready soon. But first I'll go see Diane. She's always up way too early." You grab your broken blade and your stuff and head near the tavern.
"Diane!?" You call out.
"Captain!!" She comes out of the trees.
"What's up?" She asks you.
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to check on you."
"Well I'm holding up well. Every now and then I get to squish a Beowolf or Ursa and that's always fun." She smiles at you.
"I'm glad you're having fun. Can I ask a favor?"
"Of course Captain!"
"Can you help me watch over Ruby Rose and her sister?"
"What for? They're going to be Huntresses right? I feel like they can handle themselves."
"I never said they couldn't Diane, I just want them to be totally safe."
"Sure Captain! I don't know if it's a good idea to come out yet though."
"You're right. Anyway, I got to go! See ya later Diane!" You walk away waving your hand, she smiles and waves back.
"Bye Captain! Good luck!"

You arrive at the cliff for your "orientation". You're not really a student and you've seen this hundreds of times, so you pretty much know all of what Oz is gonna say.
"Today, you will make your way through the Emerald Forest to retrieve relics, these relics will determine your standing in the school, and who you will become teammates with. With that being said, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years. Now—."
"Cool, relics, eye contact, got it." You take your broken sword and cut the underground string holding the launch pad from sending you flying.
"I'll see you all down there!" You say flying in the air. You can visibly see Ozpin facepalm, this makes you chuckle.
As you're flying, you spot a monster that shouldn't be here. You quickly force yourself to stop and drop in front of it.

The demon looks at you and swings it's arm at you, you jump and use your blade to slice it's arm completely off

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The demon looks at you and swings it's arm at you, you jump and use your blade to slice it's arm completely off. It roars louder and forms fire in its mouth, it breathes the flames right at you.


You scream out and completely deflect the fire back at the Demon, a massive hole forms in its body, you jump at it and slice at its head, the head flies off with ease, and the giant body falls onto the ground.
"That's not good." You say.
"I need to keep moving toward the temple and not make eye contact with anyone. I don't need a team, I have my own." You say continuing to walk. You sheathe the blade and stop in your tracks.
"But first, I suppose I should tell Oz about the Demons." You say. You wait for everyone to launch off the cliff and move a good dis ya away before you jump up to him.
"Oz. I have bad news."
"Oh that's never a good sign if it's bad news to you."
"I just killed a Red Demon. Which means the seal is loose. If it is removed or gets any worse, then the Ten—."
"Demons are roaming around my school? Y/n, you have to watch over the students. Go now! I'll check the seal by calling James!" You nod and jump out toward the forest.
"This is not good, if the Ten Commandments get free, Remnant could end quicker than with Salem out there."
You ponder on the thought, then make a decision.
"The Seven Deadly Sins need to come back to Remnant, hated or not." You turn around quickly.
"I'll need Diane's help here. Sorry, but you'll be revealed a bit earlier than I'd hope."

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