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Ruby's P.O.V

"Hey Hawk?"

"What's up Ruby?" The talking pig asks you.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, can't guarantee I'll have an answer though." You sit down and ask:

"Did Meliodas really care for my mom?" Hawk laughs at you.

"Of course silly! Can't you tell? He's always talking to her gravestone, just about as much as you. He misses her a lot Ruby, so do the rest of those guys." You kick your feet while sitting on the stool.

"I wonder if he—?" A knock is heard on the tavern door.

"Hello? Are you open yet?" Ruby opens the door to an old man.

"Uhm I'm afraid not yet sir! The boys are still collecting food for tonight." The man stares at you.

"Do... Do my eyes deceive me?" You look around to see what he's looking at.

"Rosie?" The man asks you. The name is too similar to not be your last name of Rose.

"Do I know you sir? You ask him.

"No... no wait, you're not Rosie. That must mean... you're Ruby Rose!!" You're put on guard and so is Hawk.

"I will defend you Ruby! You have the most ferocious animal in the land on your side! HIYAAAAH!!" Hawk strikes a karate pose with his hooves.

"Ms. Rose, I... knew your mother..." You let your guard down.

"May I please come in? We can chat until the food gets here." You holster Crescent Rose.

"O-Of course sir." Just then, Yang and Weiss return as well.

"Hey! Our first customer!" The old man turns around.

"Yang Xiao Long!? What are the odd that both of the sisters would be here!" Her and Weiss immediately stop walking and worry fills their faces.

"No no! He's okay! Yang, he knew Mom!" Yang's eyes widen, as do Weiss's.

"Then you must have a lot of stories old man." Yang says to him.

"You all must have a lot of questions, I may be old, but I will try to answer all of the truthfully. My old age may hinder my memory though! Haha!" Yang and Weiss enter the Tavern as well as you all sit down.

"So Ruby, Yang? What's your favorite fairytale?"

Y/n's P.O.V

"Blake! Hop on!" You point to your back, she obliges and you four quickly move out.

"I can sense his magical power coming from that direction! It's incredible, but it also feels sinister somehow." King describes Gowther.

"Sure feels different than before." Ban says to King.

"Either way keep your guard up! The Roars of Dawn. I've heard more than my fair share of nasty rumors about them."

"I've heard some rumors as well, apparently the deadliest group of Huntsmen conceived since the war." Blake adds.

"Hell yeah! That means I can go all out!" Ban yells in excitement. You all run past the treeline to see the giant purple armor surrounded by five elite Huntsmen.

 You all run past the treeline to see the giant purple armor surrounded by five elite Huntsmen

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