The Truth

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You call Ozpin on your scroll after going back to the school and seeing no Demons.

"Ozpin, I need Ban's location now!" You demand.

"You'll need to go to Vacuo, but that's on the other side of the continent, you can't possibly make it—."

"Call off the initiation Ozpin, with Demons roaming around its far too dangerous for the kids. Tell them anything, just give me time to at least get Ban." You plead.

"I'll do my best Meliodas." Ozpin hangs up the phone.

"Well, I have to move now, no use in holding back." You use some of your power and boost your speed to run as fast as you can to Diane.

"DIANE!" You call out. No answer.

"DIANE!!" You call out again, when you search the area, you see blood on the ground. You hear stomping and you feel the ground shaking uncontrollably.


"I know! Look, I need you to throw me and far as you can toward Vacuo."

"You want me to throw you?!?" Diane reacts the way you thought she would.

"Listen! I need to get Ban out of prison, so if you could expedite the process of getting there, that would be awesome." You explain to her.

"Oh I'm coming with!" She says getting ready to run.

"WHO IS THAT??!" You turn around and see Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang. All of them have their weapons drawn except Blake.

"Huntresses!" Diane yells out.

"WAIT!" You yell out, everyone stops.

"Ruby, can you guys put your weapons away?" Diane looks back at Ruby.

"So you're Summer's daughter..." She says with a saddened tone.

"You know my mom?" Ruby asks saddened as well.

"I guess there's no way to hide it now." You joke looking at Diane.

"Hmph!" Diane pouts, she then looks back to Ruby and gets sad again.

"Who are you, and what are you?" Yang asks.

"I am Diane, and I am a Giant thank you blondie!"

"Diane, that's Ruby's half-sister."

"You're Yang?"

"I'll ask again, who are you guys and how do you know us?" She gets in a defensive stance. You walk forward slowly.

"I need you three to promise me something."

"Three?" Weiss interrupts.

"Me and Blake have met before, and don't judge her for not telling you guys earlier." You pull up your sleeve and Diane turns to her right, revealing her thigh.

"My name isn't Y/n." You roll your sleeve all the way up, revealing your Dragon Mark.

" You roll your sleeve all the way up, revealing your Dragon Mark

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