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You are able to pour all the water and you're waiting at the landing pad with heaps of water, you asked Diane not to come for fear of the Sins being found here, not to mention she's a Giant.
"Free water here! As long you can come visit the Boar Hat after Professor Ozpin's speech! I'll be serving food and water to any and everyone!" You yell out. You also have Hawk running around with a barrel of water on his back.
"Don't eat the food! Just drink the water, trust me!" Hawk yells out.
"Is that a talking pig?" A student talks out loud.
"Yea I am! What about it?"
"Nothing!" He yells out.
You eventually see Ruby walk out with a taller blonde. You run over to them with two waters.
"Yo!" You say out loud.
"Hey Y/n!"
"Hey there handsome~." The blonde says to you.
"Heya hot stuff. I got some water here to cool you guys off."
"Thanks Y/n, oh this is my big sister Yang!"
"Nice to meet you...?"
"Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you." You put your hand out to shake hers.
"Well I gotta keep handing out water, Ill see you girls later!" You walk away with a crap load of water. You eventually run into a girl with white hair and a lot of luggage.
"Hello Miss! Would you like so water? Courtesy of the Boar Hat." She looks at you with a curious look.
"What do you mean as in courtesy?"
"On the house! It's free water lady."
"Oh well thank you!" She accepts it.
"I'm Y/n, and you are?"
"Weiss Schnee, surprised you've never heard of me."
I mean, I've heard of a lot of people. I travel a lot."
"What do you mean?"
"That's a secret."
"Is this water free?"
"Yep, I own the Boar Hat so I get to decide what's free and what isn't." She looks at you surprised.
"You own that building?!"
"Yep! My pride and joy! It's actually really famous, Im surprised you've never heard of it."
"I'm not from here."
"I've been everywhere." You reply. She looks at you stunned but brushes it off.
"Well, thank you for the water, but I have to get going." She turns around and begins walking.
That's when you notice an old friend who just so happens to be at Beacon. You place the water in Hawk and move toward her.
"HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Hawk screams at you.
You slowly sneak up behind her and she doesn't hear you.
"Hey kiiiitttyy caaaat..." You slowly run your hands up her legs. She jumps and draws Gambol Shroud behind her.
"Not there anymore silly." You say behind her again, she swipes her blade but you duck under it.
"Easy! Easy!" You look up and her and see relief in her eyes, she hugs you and begins to tear up.
"I'm so glad you're okay Y/n!"
"Sate sate sate... I'm fine Blake, c'mon! You thought I'd be hurt?" You ask jokingly.
"Wha- No! I was just worried!"
"Ha ha ha! I know it's okay! What happened with the Fang? With Adam?"
"He's different, he's more reckless and murderous. I left and I intend to stop him."
"You're gonna need help if you're going against the entire White Fang. You need me? I know you want me..." You get up behind her and poke her Bellabooty as you coined it.
"Stop that!" She uses her Semblance to stop you from groping her.
"I don't need any help against them Y/n, I'll be fine."
"Alright Blake, just be careful. I have to go hand out water to the rest of the students who are coming in, I'll catch up with you Blake."
"Wait, what're you doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm a student here."
"You're going here too?!"
"Mhm! So you won't be alone Kitty Cat!"
Blake rushes you and puts a finger over your lips.
"Shh! I don't want anyone to know I'm a Faunus."
"I see... that's why you're wearing the bow! That's pretty smart."
"Thanks." She smiles at you.
"Alright I gotta go Blake! I'll talk to you later!" You run off super fast back to Hawk, who has completely run out of water.
"It's all gone Mel- Y/n! All the students got it."
"Oh cool! Maybe next I can serve up some roast pig."
"I'M SORRY!" Hawk runs away back to the Boar Hat. You decide to go see Ozpin's speech to the student body. You jump up high and watch from above. You easily spot Ruby and Yang. You don't listen to Oz's speech because you've heard it a thousand times over, he'll add the part about all Huntsmen still being on the hunt for The Seven Deadly Sins as usual.
"As every student here is well aware, The Seven Deadly Sins are still loose, professional Huntsmen are the only ones allowed to engage them, if you spot a one, immediately inform one of the many Huntsmen at this academy. I will repeat myself, you students will NOT engage The Seven Deadly Sins at any times. Professor Goodwitch will tell you the area you will stay for the night." Ozpin walks off stage and Glynda takes his spot.
"You will all gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow you're initiation will begin. Be ready."
You shrug, thinking the speech could've used more emphasis on not engaging the Sins, but Ozpin will do what he wants. You jump down, in front of student's view and a boy walks up to you.
"Hey there, Y/n right? You got anything stronger than water back at your tavern?"
"Not anything you can legally have." You answer.
"We'll see later I guess." You grab his wrist and he stops in his tracks.
"I wouldn't recommend threatening my tavern or me. What's your name by the way?" You ask in a playful tone. You let go of his wrist after he struggles for a second.
"Cardin, and I recommend you don't do that again."
"Sure sure! Don't worry about it, just be careful who you make enemies here." You walk away and decide to go see Diane and catch up on the past ten years, plus Oz might be able to tell you where the other Sins are.
"Don't worry buddy. It won't be too much longer."

No P.O.V

"You hear about the new semester at Beacon? Tons of promising students-."

       "Hm hm hmm, hm hmm, hm hmm..."

"Is that, humming?"

       "Hm hm hmm, hm hmm, hm hmm..."
"Hm hm hmm...."

       "Hm hmm

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       "Hm hmm..."

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