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"Alright guys! Listen up! We're about to re-open The Boar Hat in Vale! So I need everyone to go out and find me the biggest catch you can get!" You yell out to everyone.

"Ahhhhhh... Captain? Can I take a nap here?" Diane asks you.

"You know what? You've been really busy, so go ahead." Diane stretches out and goes straight to sleep.

"Night night!" Diane dozes off.

"Girls? Could you four go get some supplies? Like mugs and plates?" You ask.

"We can go! Ruby should go with you!" Yang yells out.

"Uhm?" Ban rubs his neck.

"No, I don't want Ruby going hunting." You say to the group.

"Think you can stay here with Hawk and watch over the Tavern?" You ask Ruby.

"You can count on me!"

"Us! You can count on Ruby and Sir Hawk!" Hawk salutes.

"Good! King, Ban? Let's move out! Biggest catch is the winner!" Ban cracks his neck.

"Hehe, well go ahead and put the medal on my neck, I'm winnin' this thing!"

"Brash as always." King says to him, he gets close to King.

"If you catch something super awesome, Diane'll think you're pretty cool." King's face becomes a tinge of red.

"I suppose I have no choice!" King acts completely different.

"Actually, I do want one of you to come with us." The girls look at you.

"Blake. You're going hunting!" She grows a shocked face.

"Why me?" Blake asks.

"You're stealthy! A sneaky hunter is a good hunter!" You add on.

"Fine." Blake walks up to you three, ready to hunt.

"Let's go!" You all spread out to get food.

Yang's P.O.V

"So all were doing is publicizing The Boar Hat?" Weiss asks you. You walk over to the next building and place the advertisement.

"Yep! The Tavern needs the money to keep going on. And the only way to do that is to get customers!" You say to excitedly. Weiss stomps her feet.

"Does that mean we'll have to wear those RIDICULOUS OUTFITS!?" Weiss screams about the Taven uniform.

"That's exactly what I mean..." You wink and smile.

"I WON'T BE CAUGHT DEAD IN THAT THING!" You stop and hold a finger up.

"Quiet! Look!" You whisper-yell. You point to the group of Huntsmen holding a poster.

"Is that... a poster of Meliodas?" Weiss asks.

"That's not the worst part, look!" Weiss points to another group with another poster.

"A poster of... RUBY?!"

"You don't think they've already figured out that they're here do you?" Weiss asks you.

"So, Huntsmen and Huntresses are adept at track by prey, but how would they have figured out that the prey is located here?"

"Maybe one of them has a Semblance activated that helps track." You answer the voice. You realize you didn't recognize it.

"AAHH!" You and Weiss scream at the boy before you.

"AAHH!" You and Weiss scream at the boy before you

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