Memories of Battle

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No P.O.V

Months before Beacon...

Blake, I'm going to get equipment for the mission. You're coming too." Adam tells the young Faunus recruit.
"O-Okay..." She runs up beside him, her gear with her.
As Adam and Blake walk through town, all they get from the crowd are stares and worried looks.
"Filthy Faunus trash." A man says, Adam places his hand on his weapon but Blake stops him from acting upon it.
"We're at the place Blake, I'll go inside and retrieve the bomb. Wait here."
"Will do." Adam walks through the warehouse side entrance and the door closes. The meeting takes what seems an eternity, but before Adam could return...
"Hey Faunus!" A man yells at Blake, she looks up and sees around twenty different men, all armed with bats and clubs of all sorts.
"Oh hang on a minute boss, she's actually not half bad looking, we just tear off her ears and she's practically a beauty." One of the men say out.
"Maybe you're right, don't kill her boys. Just wear her out." One of the men charge her but before he could reach her.
"HYAH!!" Someone comes by and kicks the man directly in the jaw. He lands in front of Blake and places his hands in his pockets.
"Hey! Is that any way to talk to a lady?" Blake looks at the boy and notices his bright yellow hair, the white duster he's wearing and the sword strapped to his back.
"Hey kid! It's past your bedtime, you need to let the adults talk to the young lady."
"I don't need to let you do anything, and I won't let you do anything." He looks back at Blake.
"Just let me handle these guys, okay?" Her eyes widen and she slowly nods her head.
One of the men charge the boy with a bat, he puts his arm up and the bat shatters in contact with his arm, he lifts his head up to look into the man's eyes, jumps and lands a hook to his jaw, sending him into another warehouse across the dock. All the other men watch the man fly away.
"Hey, would you mind looking away or going inside for a minute?" The boy asks Blake.
"Uhm? Yea I'll go inside and tell my leader." Blake turns around and goes inside to find Adam.
The boy pulls out a blade...

"Sacred Treasure Release: Lostvayne

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"Sacred Treasure Release: Lostvayne." He says aloud. Multiple clones of the boy appear, all holding the weapon.
"Wait a minute... the symbol on the hilt!" One of the men yell out loud.
"It's a Dragon!" One of the other men yell.
"That's right. That must mean you all know how much you've screwed up."
"Then that must mean you're...!"
"The Seven Deadly Sins: The Sin of Wrath, The Dragon Sin: Meliodas!"

Name: Meliodas (Goes by Y/n)Sin: WrathSemblance: Full Counter, can reflect back any dust-based or magic-based attacks at double the strength, but also seems to possess incredible strength and speed

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Name: Meliodas (Goes by Y/n)
Sin: Wrath
Semblance: Full Counter, can reflect back any dust-based or magic-based attacks at double the strength, but also seems to possess incredible strength and speed.
Sacred Treasure: Lostvayne, an incredible sword that allows Meliodas to create clones of himself, all of which will continually half his strength.

Within seconds of introducing himself, all that can heard are cries and pleas of help.
"Hey! You forgot your jacket!!!" A talking pig runs up to Meliodas.
"Thanks Hawk, well, we might as well go see the girl I saved and see if they need anything."
A giant wave of energy passes by Meliodas' face, the pressure sends Hawk flying and splits the warehouse in two, once the dust in cleared, he managed to jump onto someone to protect them from rubble or the energy if the attack. He looks down and see the girl.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine." She gets up and dusts herself off, he looks behind him and sees a rogue Huntsman, the one who was leading those men.
"Okay Dragon Sin Meliodas, the bounty on your head is quite high, I intend to collect." He says to Meliodas
"Wait?! You're Meliodas?!?!"
"Can we talk about that later? Kind of have an issue at the moment." He pulls Lostvayne off his back again.
"Let's go Sin!" Meliodas charges the Huntsman with lightning speed and the Huntsman is barely able to block the sword.

Play Song

"Hey! You're pretty good!" The Huntsman breaks the blade lock and runs at Meliodas.
"Thanks!" Meliodas tells the Huntsman. He jumps away and also runs at the Huntsman. They continue to clash with flurries of metal, every hit making a distinct clang and ching. However, Meliodas is hitting pure Atlesian steel armor, made for defending against the strongest of Grimm attacks, he's going to have to hit him with something big. Meliodas backs up to try to find an opening, but the Huntsman hurdles a massive wave of Fire Dust his way.  Meliodas is able to dodge it, but is quickly grabbed by his face by the Huntsman, Meliodas kicks off his face and onto the docks in front of the Faunus.
"I'll end this!" The Huntsman yells out, his weapon glowing a bright white light. The Faunus behind you watch the light as it stretches into the night sky, almost like a beacon.
"I'll help...-!" Meliodas puts his arm in front of the girl.
"I never got your name by the way."
"It's Blake Belladonna."
"Oh pretty much royalty, don't worry, I got him." He looks at the Huntsman, who's blade has turned into a rifle of some sort.
"The Lien is mine!!" He aims the rifle, glowing a bright white.
"We're gonna die!" One of the Faunus yell out.
"I don't think so..." Adam steps up, charging his Semblance, again, Meliodas places his arm in front.
"A human isn't going to tell me what to do. Get out of my way...-" Meliodas looks directly at Adam's eyes.
"I know you don't trust me, but I just saved your girlfriend, go make sure she's okay. I got this." He pulls Lostvayne up and flips it.
"Put a little faith in me, I am one of the Seven after all." Adam grunts and goes toward Blake.
"DIE!!!" The Huntsman fires a round made of every type of Dust. Meliodas readies Lostvayne.


The round is reflected back directly at the Huntsman, making an incredible explosion on the target, the bright light almost turns night to day due the intensity. Meliodas just stands there, not flinching from the force of the attack.
"AAAHH!" Blake screams out, Adam shields her from the sheer winds and heat from the attack being completely reversed. Once the heat and winds die down, a man is seen standing there, body charred and the man is seemingly dead. The man falls dead onto his face, Meliodas sheathes Lostvayne. He looks back toward the Faunus.
"You all okay?"
"We're fine human." Adam says to him.
"I guess you could call me that." Adam looks at him with curiosity.
"If we ever see each other again...-"
"Wait! We could use your help on a mission." One of the Faunus say.
"No thanks, but hey." Meliodas looks at Blake.
"If we ever see each other again, or if anyone asks what happened, just call me Y/n. In fact just call me Y/n anyway. Well I gotta go! It was nice to meet you all!" Meliodas vanishes from sight.
"WAIT WHAT ABOUT MEEEE!!!" Hawk screams, Meliodas poofs back into sight, picks up Hawk, and waves.
"See ya!" He vanishes again.
All the Faunus turn to Adam.
"Get back to work, all of you. And quickly before the police arrive!" They all immediately begin loading the cargo for the mission.
"Are you okay my darling?"
"I'm okay, that boy really was one of The Seven Deadly Sins wasn't he?"
"We can't know that, we only saw the sword's hilt, plus all the Sins have specific markings, and I didn't see one on him."
"Okay, we need to get moving or else that train will be away."
"Right." Adam and Blake turn toward the Faunus, but not before Blake turns and looks at the charred corpse on the ground.
"What power... he's incredible."

Y/n's P.O.V

"It's just like I thought..."

            "My father added another curse..."

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