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You both hop out of your seats and over Ban's shoulder, you can see Ruby, jumping with glee and excitement.

"Sate sate sate..." You hop down and stand in the arena.

"Mr. Y/n? Are you not going to retrieve your weapon?" You look at Glynda.

"No need." You watch Ban land a front flip, landing on the opposite side of you, about 10 feet away.

"And you Ba-an?"

"I'm with him. Let's get this show started!" Ban readies himself. You snicker and stand there with your hands in your coat pockets.

"Hehe, you ready!?"

"Whenever you are Cap'n!" You and Ban run at each other and clasp hands, the shockwave is immense.

"Did you feel that?!" Yang screams with an excitement that could destroy the building itself.

"They're just on a wholly different level, no, plane of existence than us." Weiss says. You and Ban dart around at unrecognizable speed, to everyone else, you're both just blurs. You land a blow to Ban's cheek that breaks his jaw. When the smoke clears and he lands. He stands up and brushes off some dust.

"Not bad Cap'n! Glad to see you're still in form after all of these years!" Ban jubilantly says.

"You're as tough as ever Ban, but can we kick this into high gear yet?" Ban grins, but as the smoke fully settles, the student notice something.

"Professor Goodwitch? How come neither of them have Auras?" Jaune asks.

"Perhaps the scanner is just experiencing a technical difficulty." She answers perfectly. But even so, she cannot explain Ban's immortality.

"How come that guy isn't even hurt?"

"Is he just that strong?"

"There's not even a scratch on him! Even after that assault!" King and Diane sit there quietly, not shocked in the slightest. Diane leans over to Yang.

"They've always been like this, trying to one-up each other, unfortunately, I think Ban has the upper hand here." Yang looks over shocked.

"What? Are ya kidding!?" She whispers to Diane.

"You forget we don't have Semblances like the rest of you. We have magic. And Ban's is incredibly powerful." You land a strong punch to Ban's gut, blood flies out before you kick him in the face. You can feel yourself tiring out. You collapse to your knees. Ban sits up from his back.

"Heheh!" Ban giggles.

"You've gone and done it now."

"Aaand up we go!" Ban rises to a standing position. Ban runs at you, you throw a punch, but he isn't there anymore.

"Huh?" Ban is behind you, flexing his hand, before nailing you in the back of your head. You slide face-first along the arena floor.

"Hahah! I'm floating like a butterfly now!" As he says that, you've connected a mighty elbow to his jaw, you even see a tooth fly out.

"Gah! You knocked out a tooth!" He pulls back his cheek to expose his jaw.

"Or not! Hehe!" You jump at him with a kick, which he dodges and headbutts you.

"You see that King?" Diane says.


"Okay, what is Ban's "Semblance"?" Yang asks.

"Ban's "Semblance", is called "Snatch". He's able to sap the physical strength and stamina, and even magical power from his opponents. He then adds that strength to his own, making him a machine." King explains to Yang and co.

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