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No P.O.V

Years ago...

"So... that's it huh?"

"That's where this "Fountain of Youth" is? Well, I'd better start climbing

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"That's where this "Fountain of Youth" is? Well, I'd better start climbing." The man begins to run at the tree full speed.

At the Tree

"It's boring here. I wish my brother didn't leave to go help humans. All they are are just thieves with black hearts." The fairy flies to the edge of the tree.

"I'll protect this forest for another seven hundred years if need be."

"A lick lets you live ten years longer. A swallow lets you live a hundred years longer. Drink it all and you'll live forever." The fairy looks over the edge to see a man climbing the tree. His head pokes over the tree.

"How long has it been? A hundred years perhaps?" The fairy asks.

"He's alone, how unusual." The man climbs to stand up.

"So that's the treasure guarded by the holy saint, The Fountain of Youth." He says.

"All humans really are the same, hundreds of years have passed and they still only want one thing." The man notices the fairy.

"Hm? Who're you? Did you get lost in a place like this?" He asks.

"I'm the protector the fountain." She begins to raise up.


"From thieves like you that is." She raises her hand and a gale pushes the man off the tree.

"WAAAAAAHHH!!!" He screams.

"Don't worry, even if you die, you'll continue to live on as part of the forest."

"A lick lets you live ten years longer..." The girl hears the man again, she forces wind out of the tree and he is sent flying again. This repeats for hours. Until he reaches the top again.


"That's my line! How are you still alive?! No human should be able to survive that fall!"

"I keep landing in tree branches!"

"Why would the forest protect a human? Especially one with such a desire?"

"WAH!" The man says grabbing a chain stick weapon from his back, it begins to glow purple.

"NO!" He whips the chain around the girl and to the Fountain of Youth.

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