The Burden of Sin

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Ruby's P.O.V

"So, you're telling me that Meliodas is even older than Mom was?" You ask the old man, who you now know as Cain.

"Mhm. I don't know how he does it though, but he's at least 30 years older than he looks." Cain guesses.

"30 YEARS?!?" You, Yang and Weiss all ask. Cain stands up and looks out the window and chuckles a bit at your reactions.

"Do you know how Meliodas met Summer?" He asks you.

"Apparently she made a massive sacrifice, he and Merlin found her later after that." You answer him. He shakes his head.

"Well, he didn't fully lie to you." He turns around. You three look at each other.

"You all might want to sit." You notice all of you are standing up after learning how old Meliodas is.

"Summer wasn't always a Huntress you know, she actually had quite the troubled past. Her mother, your gran, wasn't exactly the best role model one could have. And like Summer is to you, her father was a Huntsman, a powerful Huntsman with a Semblance that allowed him to do what one would consider impossible, he could control Grimm. Not only was he a Huntsman with an incredible Semblance, but he had Silver-Eyes, just as your mother did and now you do Ruby." You tilt your head in confusion.

"What do my eyes have to do with anything?" You ask Cain.

"You're eyes are a rare trait girl, one many consider a sign solely because of your grandfather. Anyway, one day, Summer ran from her mother. She had been abusing Summer to horrible degrees and forcing her to do labor not suited for her. Once her father caught wind of this, he used his Semblance to track down Summer, it took 3 days to find Summer, but once his Grimm had, she was cornered. Her back to the wall and nowhere to go, Summer cried. But not before a certain someone had saved her..."


"Stay away!!" Summer screams at the Beowolves, they snarl and slowly inch forward.

"NO!!" Summer screams out, tears pouring down her face. Before the Grimm could pounce, a shockwave passes by, eviscerating the Beowolves. When Summer looked over, she simply saw a boy and a massive group of men. The boy walks over.

"Are you okay?" He asks. Summer doesn't answer out of fear.

"Okay, I'll start, I'm Meliodas." He crouches down in front of Summer.

"If you need any help, we can provide it. Food, water, a place to sleep, you name it."

"Captain! You can't seriously think taking in a stray girl is a smart idea!" Soon the voices of disagreement flood the forest.

"If that's what you all think, I guess you're all my enemy." He smiles, looking over to the soldiers. They all show shock on their faces. Even Summer is in shock, this boy is putting everything on the line to help her.

"We're sorry Captain!!" The soldiers all apologize individually to Meliodas. He turns back to Summer.

"You can't be much older than seventeen, eighteen right? Who did this to you?" He asks her.

"I... can't say." She answers. Meliodas stands up, saddened.

"I understand. Please allow me personally to help you. Me and my troops can give you a place to stay until you know what to do." He extends an open palm to her, Summer looks at him, he is still smiling.

"O...Okay..." Meliodas picks her up and places her on his shoulder.

"Let's move out! Back to Beacon!" All the men begin to move toward Beacon.

End Flashback

"You see, even though Summer was terrified before meeting him, she began to see Meliodas as not only a friend, but a trusted ally, and eventually she even grew feelings for him."

"Mom... liked Meliodas?" You ask.

"Indeed, but he wouldn't have it. He told her he wasn't destined for that kind of life, that Summer would find the one meant for her. Summer, after staying with Meliodas and his crew for a few years, graduated from Beacon Academy and fell in love with Taiyang." You just heard your mother's life story, yet you're still wondering one thing;

"How did that result in my Mom joining the Sins?" Cain drinks some of the Valeian Ale poured by Yang.

"Your mother's Sin was The Fox Sin of Greed. You see, your mother didn't kill her friends, her Greed cost her you, Ruby."

"I don't follow..." You say mildly confused.

"Summer decided the best thing for you was to do that mission, one she would never return from. On her journey to this mission, she met Meliodas again, but this time. For a wholly different reason..."


"Summer. You're not serious are you?" Meliodas asks.

"I am. When I am gone, please tell Ruby I did this for her. Yang as well, tell her I was apart of The Seven Deadly Sins. Tell her to not waste her life in vain fighting Salem, to live her life out in peace." Summer asks of him.

"You know that won't happen Rosie. You know her destiny just as much as you know yours."

"I know. Well, can you at least promise me that nothing will ever happen to my daughters? No matter what?" Meliodas smiles, it's a smile filled with sadness as he knows what's going to happen next.

"I promise Rosie. I'll keep them safe." Summer smiles back, tears stream down her face.

"Oh, I had a friend of yours accept a weapon, I know you wouldn't accept it personally so, I gave it to him." Meliodas chuckles.

"Thanks Rosie." Summer runs up and hugs him.

"Goodbye. My friend." She tells him. Meliodas's eyes fill with tears.

"Goodbye, Summer..." She breaks the hug and looks behind him.

"I'll miss all of you. Thank you for being my friends. My allies." The rest of The Seven Deadly Sins stand behind Meliodas.

"Goodbye Summer." Merlin says saddened.

"I'll miss you Summer." King says his goodbyes.

"Goodbye." Gowther says stoically.

"If I could share immortality I would, but ya know." Ban says next.

I'm going to miss you so much!" Diane yells out.

"Show her the pride of Beacon and your strength." The final Sin says to her. Summer turns around, and overlooking the cliff face.

End Flashback

"Your mother saved a lot of people and things Ruby, but she couldn't help who she cared for the most." Tears fill all three pairs of eyes.

"You and Yang."

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