Altered Plan

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"So first things first! I'm going back to Vale to get my sword back!" You tell everyone.

"That dragon hilt? C'mon man, it's not like you can fight better with that than with that new sword." Ban tells you.

"It's important Ban. So? Who's coming with me!?" You ask your fellow Sins.

"Yeah Imma pass." Ban says.

"Yeah it's your own fault you lost it in the first place."

"King is correct." Gowther says. You stare at them for a minute before walking over to Ruby and wrapping your head in her cape.

"I'm so sad..."

"It'll be okay Meliodas."

"Maybe Glynda can cheer me up." Diane's face breaks through a wall.


"NOT AROUND THE KIDS YA WEIRDO!" Hawk screams too. You take your head out from her cape and grab a hammer and nails before calling a meeting with everyone.

"Right, the reason that dragon hilt is so important, is due to the Coffin of Eternal Darkness."

"The sword is important because of what?" Ruby asks.

"The Coffin of Eternal Darkness. It's a powerful seal that keeps the Demons off of Remnant. The sword is a key that keeps the Coffin closed."

"Why would the Huntsmen want it? What are they planning to do?" Weiss asks next.

"More than likely, the resurrection of the Demon Race."

"The entire race?! We barely beat one by ourselves!" Yang yells out.

"What would they get by resurrect them though? It's not like the Demons are going to be friendly." Blake asks you.

"More than likely, Hendrickson wants to bring on a Holy War. Remnant versus Demon."

"But, Huntsmen and Huntresses aren't equipped well enough to fight those things!" Yang yells out.

"We know that, but he doesn't."

"Is that really all he'd need to break the seal?" Diane asks.

"No it's a strong seal. There'd most likely be some sort of sign." A rumbling is heard all of a sudden, it shakes the room.

"I THINK I'M GETTING A SIGN!!" Hawk screams out.

"That you gotta poop?" Ban asks. Hawk slowly walks toward the door, rumbling the entire way.

"I understand that they want to bring back Demons. But— EEEK! But why'd they want Ruby before?" Ruby walks over to help Hawk out of the door, but before she could open it...

"It's simple really." A woman has appeared beside Ruby and Hawk.

"She's the last part of the seal. Her heritage more specifically."

"OH CRAP! RUBY!!" The woman places a hand on Ruby and Hawk, and vanishes before you could reach her.

"DAMN IT!!!!" A black aura slowly surround you as your anger rises. You swiftly grab your blade and run out of the door.

"Wh-What was that?" Yang asks, realizing her sister has been kidnapped.

"That was most likely a Specialized Huntress, we call them Mages, they can teleport anything, anywhere or teleport themselves anywhere in an instant." Gowther explains.

"Like Merlin?" Weiss asks.

"We don't have time to ask questions!" Blake yells out.

"Captain? What's going—?"


"How are you gonna get there? Vale's over 40 miles away!"

"Diane!?" You look at her. She nods.

"Hold your horses!" Ban holds onto you.

"I'm comin' too!"

"Ban!?" You ask.

"You got your reasons, I got mine." Gowther walks over and holds onto Ban.

"I'll come too."

"Gowther?" King asks.

"This is a great opportunity to see how the Captain and Ban interact."

"What about us? That's our leader?! And my sister!" Yang asks.

"Sorry Yang, you'll have to travel with everyone else, Diane's throw would kill you guys."

"Dammit." She says.

"I might be a bit off so bear with me." Diane says, picking the three of you up.

"Just get us close, we'll do the rest." She nods. She gets a running start.

"HRRAAAGGHH!" She does a small jump.

"HAAAHHH!!!" She lets loose with the force of a thousand cannons.

"WE'RE DEAD." Ban says.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" You ask over the gusts of wind.

"YOU'LL HAVE TO SPEAK UP!" Gowther yells.

Minutes later...

"It's believed that The Seven Deadly Sins are approaching from the northwest! All Huntsmen and Huntresses are to assist!"

You three crash into the ground and immediately begin running into Vale.

"Remember: We're only here to rescue Ruby! So try to keep the fighting to a minimal!"

"Understood." Gowther answers you.

"Yeah but we can still kick a lil' ass while we're here right?" You think about it, then answer Ban.

"Go STRAIGHT FOR THE KILL!!" As you approach the small army of Huntsmen gathered in Vale, they all begin to fire the Dust weaponry and use their Semblances against you. However...

"FULL COUNTER!" You reflect everything back, decimating the Huntsmen.

"I'm coming Ruby! Just hang on!" You yell out. A single Huntsman stands before you.

"So you're The Seven Deadly Sins? You don't look that strong—!" You land a clothesline to his face, spinning him like a top.

"What can we do?! They're too strong!" You all come to a screeching halt.

"That power..." Ban says, sensing what the three of you realize is now an army.

"Is that...?"

Ozpin's P.O.V

"Leader Dreyfus!" A Huntsman comes out of your elevator.

"What is it?" He answers.

"A massive army has appeared outside the south of Vale! Before we even knew what happened!"

"An army?" He asks.

"Did you see the leader?" Hendrickson asks.

"Yes sir!" He pauses

"It's General Ironwood sir!

"The newest Headmaster of Atlas Academy!!"

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"The newest Headmaster of Atlas Academy!!"

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