One Of Us

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Ozpin is slowly walking toward all of you. His cane tapping the concrete ground every other step. His eyes haven't left yours since he appeared.

"You Seven Deadly Sins. You have infiltrated my school, threatened my students, destroyed my campus and there's not a shred of remorse on your face." You keep staring at him.

"Good work." He smiles at you, you chuckle.

"Just doing our job! Hehe!" You chuckle. Ozpin turns around and faces his class body.

"Everyone! You must hear a certain truth. The Seven Deadly Sins are no threat to any of you! The death of Atlas Academy's previous headmaster is not on the heads of the Sins. I cannot tell you the identity of the perpetrators, but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, the Sins are not responsible!" All the students look at Ozpin with disbelief on their faces.

"These powerful Huntsmen and Huntresses have defended your school and you. The Sins are not criminals, but heroes." He continues. You walk up behind Ozpin, then to his side.

"I am not the name you all know me by, Y/n. I am Meliodas, The Dragon Sin of Wrath. I hope we didn't scare any of you when we told you all to leave." You smile at all the students, most of them still shocked with the information presented to them, mostly the guys, most of the girls on the other hand are drooling at you.

"How do we know we can trust you?" You think about it.

"You can't."

"Then why shouldn't we get Pro Huntsmen out here to arrest you lot!" The student continues yelling.

"Because the people who attacked the school were Pro Huntsmen. The people who attacked us were Pro Huntsmen." The student scoffs.

"How do you know they were Pro Huntsmen?"

"Huh? Did none of you hear what that woman said?" You tell them that she called herself a "Special Huntress."

"You're telling me there's a rank above Pro?!" A student asks.

"Mhm! And it's a Specialty. Her's happened to be her Semblance." You straighten yourself and speak louder.

"We are The Seven Deadly Sins. Huntsmen and Huntresses dedicated to the protection of Remnant. I have one thing to say to everyone of you!" You point at the students.

"What's up?!"
You smile and chuckle to see all the students breathe a sigh of relief.

The next day...

Ruby is seen walking toward a gravestone.

"I can't believe you used to be a Sin. I wonder if you were as powerful as them? Meliodas and the others think really highly of you. I just hope I can make you proud." Ruby's crimson cape flows in the wind as the sun sets over Patch.

"I'm sure she's proud Ruby." Ruby turns to see Diane standing behind her, Meliodas and the rest of the Sins in tow.

"Hey guys." She says. Meliodas walks up beside her.

"You know we'll always have you and your team's backs right?" He says to her.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to help you four out in any way we can. Because you girls are a part us now, you're all one of us." Diane says pointing to her Serpent.


"You're part of our family Ruby. Weiss, Blake and Yang too." A bird caws in a nearby tree as he finishes his sentence. He looks at the tree smiling.

"I guess you could technically say you're a Sin without the actual title! Hehe!" Meliodas rubs his nape laughing lightly. Diane thumps him into a tree.

"As much as I'd love to agree, you can't put her in that position Captain."

"Ow. Why not?" He jumps off the broken tree from his back.

"All the Sins have to agree firstly. And I dunno if you noticed, but we're short two members Cap'n." Ban answers.

"I didn't know you actually read that handbook Ban." King says slowly floating toward him.

"Of course I didn't! I just remember hearing you guys saying that about me." He puts his hands behind his head.

"I didn't think you listened that well." Ban punches King into the ground.

"And I didn't think you'd let me punch you like that, guess we surprised each other huh?" Meliodas looks to Ruby during all the commotion to see her staring at Summer's grave, clenching her cape. Just then, Weiss, Blake and Yang all show up.

"Hey Diane!" Yang yells out.

"Hey Yang! What's up?" Diane leans down to see Yang better

"You got any tips on how to get stronger?" Yang flexes her biceps, toned and rigid.

"Well I suppose I could help you lift something heavy? Let's go see." Diane and Yang move away from the site as Diane pulls a tree from the ground.

"We'll start here!" Diane yells out as Yang chuckles nervously.


"Hello Weiss, how can I help you?"

"Is it possible for me to use any magic?" King lightly chuckles.

"I'm afraid not, magic is only something beings of a higher nature can perform. Fairies, Giants, Demons, etcetera. But I can show you a couple tricks to help you use your Semblance? Your hand gestures are quite similar to when I use Chastiefol." King and Weiss begin to go train her Semblance.

"Ban? Can we go train?" Blake asks.

"Train? Aren't you like, a ninja or somethin'?" Ban asks her, her bow droops slightly.

"Fine I guess, but you better keep up." Ban and Blake move toward the treeline past Yang, who's currently on fire trying to lift the tree. Meliodas turns back to Ruby.

"Summer would be proud of you." She turns to him.

"You think so?"

"Heh, yeah. You're the youngest student to ever enter Beacon Academy, and to lead your own team nonetheless." Ruby smiles, Meliodas continues.

"Whenever we gather all the Sins. I'll let them each tell you a story about Summer, and to answer your question, your mother wasn't the strongest physically, but in spirit, Summer was stronger than any of us." He walks away from the grave before Ruby poses a question to him.

"Do you have any stories about my mom?" She asks him. He stops in his tracks, but doesn't turn around.

"Enough to last a lifetime..." He turns to Ruby.

"Now, let's go make sure your sister doesn't burn down a forest." Ruby chuckles.

"That's a good idea." Ruby runs over to Yang. Meliodas looks at that bird, still in the tree, watching over the grave.

"None of them will end up like Summer, Raven." He runs toward Yang, who now has another tree since she incinerated the first one.

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