A New Problem

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"And you are?" You ask the woman flying a Nevermore.

"I am one of few Special Huntresses in the world. My name is Guila, and me and my associate are here to rid the world of you Deadly Sins." You look at Guila and her friend, a man with the tail of a scorpion and a crazy grin stricken across his face.

"Well if you'll follow me, we can get things started, whaddya say?" You ask her.

"It matters not if I fight you one on one or all of you, the result will be the same." She jumps off the Nevermore. Ban holds his arm out in front of you, he's already fully recovered from his injuries.

"Allow me Cap'n." You motion with your arms.

"After you." He grins and walks up to Guila.

"So, why are you—?" She stabs him in the throat with a rapier.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know we were supposed to talk first. Please, finish your query." She removes the rapier from Ban's throat. You look at Guila's friend.

"Diane? King? I need you two to escort all the students away, I don't care what you do, just get them away from here. It's going to be a warzone."

"Right. C'mon Diane." They quickly run to the students, beckoning them to leave, with some assistance from Glynda Goodwitch, else the students wouldn't have believed them.

"Nice to meet you!" You place your hands in your pockets.

"So... I finally get to meet The Sin of Wrath! SHOW ME A GOOD TIME! HAHAHAHHAAAH!!" The Faunus charges you with his wrist blades and tail. You effortlessly dodge the frenzied attacks.

"Hey, you're kinda slow. Can't you pick it up any? I'm getting bored." You ask the man, he scowls at you before jumping away; you're hands are still placed inside your pockets.

"Yes indeed, this will be a FANTASTIC FIGHT!! AND ONCE I'M DONE WITH YOU, I'LL TAKE THE SILVER-EYED GIRL!" You instantly appear beside him.

"Going near her would be folly." You say seriously. The man jumps away from you.

"My my! Your speed really wasn't a jest! My Queen was correct about you, you're very dangerous indeed." You turn around to look at him, your hands balled into fists now.

"I still don't know your name stranger."

"My name is Tyrian Callows, I serve Remnant's Goddess, the one true master of life and death!" He bows to you.

"You know, immortality isn't really all that impressive. Ban's had it longer than anyone I know."

"That scoundrel stole his power."

"And Salem didn't go around spreading how she had stolen the power of immortality from the Gods? If you believe she really stole it from the Gods. You're far dumber than you seem." He grimaces and walks toward you, you decide to do the same.

"C'mon, make a move." You see Ban go flying into a wall, getting up and shaking it off, and by it, you mean his arm. It quickly regenerates.

"Hey hey! You're not supposed to go all out in the beginning of the fight!"

"I'm not? But my mission is to kill you Sins. That would require my full power."

"Jeez, you just don't get it do you? Oh well, it's not like this fight will last much longer anyway."

"I agree, immortality must drain quite the toll on you, every limb regrown, every slash sealed, you must be getting tired, especially after your scuffle with Meliodas."

"Heh, lady." Ban cracks his neck.

"You don't even know how deep you're in it

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"You don't even know how deep you're in it." You focus back on your opponent.

"Hey Tyrian, listen up. If I win I want you to do something."

"Hm?" He leans forward.

"Tell Salem she has no chance." He recoils.

"That's funny, she wished me to tell you the same thing." Tyrian pulls his blades out again, except guns reveal themselves.

"Now let's have ROUND TWO!!" He runs at you, firing his guns and cackling maniacally. You have to dodge the bullets using your speed. You blitz Tyrian and land a powerful kick to his torso, sending him through the auditorium wall. You walk through the hole before seeing something standing in the smoke.

"Meliodas!" Ruby screams, the smoke clears as you see her being held by a new member of your opposition.

"Let her go." You plant your feet and grit your teeth at the woman, clad in pink armor with purple hair.

"What if I refuse?"

"Then I'll kill you." You stoically say to her.

"Don't you want to know my name "stranger"?" She mocks you, still holding Ruby.

"Last time I'm gonna tell you, drop Ruby now." Tyrian jumps up from his back and cackles.

"How the son of such a powerful being crumbles at the sight of a loved one being captive." You see his Aura flicker, indicating he's low.

"My name is Jericho, Ban knows me all to well, honestly I'm simply here to get revenge on that idiot, but, I have my orders." She squeezes Ruby harder, only serving to anger you. You grab the handle of your broken sword and slightly pull it out. A multitude of slashes form on Jericho's arm, she drops Ruby and shock shows on her face, Tyrian's as well. He quickly uses his tail to grab Ruby's leg, tripping her, you move beside him almost instantly.

"I told you didn't I?" You have his tail in hand.

"Hehe! NOW GUILA!" You turn around and see Guila with an jewel in her hand.

"HRAGH!!" The orb comes to life, enveloping you in energy, you pull against it only to be pulled into darkness.

Ruby's P.O.V


"HEY! WHAD'YA DO WITH THE CAP'N?!" Ban screams as he runs and lands a decisive punch to Jericho, sending her flying, he stares at Guila.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Ban screams again.

"Meliodas, The Dragon Sin of Wrath, has been defeated." Tyrian tells him. Ban grits his teeth angrily, you quickly use your Semblance to snatch the necklace away from Guila.

"Ms. Rose, if you would return that to me please?"

"BRING HIM BACK!" You scream.

"Ruby!!" You turn around to seen Yang, Weiss and Blake.

"Where's King and Diane?" Ban asks.

"Fighting thousands of Grimm, they came in from the other side. Where's Meliodas?" Weiss answers and asks.

"They used that weird crystal thing, he's stuck in it." You answer, Yang's eyes flare red and her hair alights.

"You bastards..." She shoots her gauntlets into the dirt.

"YOU'LL PAY!" Yang charges in.

"Grr. DAMMIT BLONDIE!" Ban quickly follows Yang as they both go to attack Guila and Tyrian.

"Hey you, I'm afraid I'm gonna need that back." You look at Jericho, who's suffered a powerful blow to the stomach from Ban.

"Guess you'll have to come and get it." You place the necklace around your neck and ready your scythe. Weiss and Blake ready themselves behind you. But Jericho actually blitz's them both, pushing them away before making a wall of astral swords to block you off from help.

"Think I can't come take it from you? Just watch me." She gets into a fighting stance.

"Please come back Meliodas..."

"We need you."

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