More Arrivals

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Yang, Blake and Weiss arrive through the portal made by Oslo.

"Huh? Wait a minute! We really are—!"

"We're in Vale! That's incredible!" Blake finishes Yang's sentence.

"That's not all, we're in a storage room of some sort." Weiss points out the crates everywhere.

"Well?! Anything?!" Diane yells through the portal.

"You're clear!" Diane stick her head through, but can't manage to get the rest of herself through.

"King! Can you give me a push!? I'm stuck!"

""You mean you a-actually want to get behind and push on your—?"

"Hurry up King! We don't have time!""

"I can't do it... I don't think I'm prepared for that yet." King says meekly. Suddenly six Huntsmen fall from above.



"Whoa! Look at all the Huntsmen here!" The one in red armor walks up to the quartet.

"It's been a while, hasn't it Serpent Sin? Just what would a criminal driven out of Vale be doing here in Vale?"

"Just tell me where Ruby is."

"What're you talking about?" Dreyfus replies confused.

"Give her back to me right now!"

"It would seem you don't fully realize the predicament you all are in." Gilthunder points out.

"No you don't understand the predicament you're in! You all have my sister!!" Yang screams out.

"Girl I can assure you, we don't kidnap children." Dreyfus says.

"I'll do it! A professional such as yourself shouldn't stoop to their level. I'll kill the Serpent Sin." Jericho launches herself forward.

"Girls! On my back!" The trio consisting of students jump on Diane.

"Godspeed Bone Cutter!"

Diane simply swings her massive weapon and deflects the Huntress. Breaking open a wall and freeing the four girls.

"You two need to leave at once. This is the power they posses with Sacred Treasures." Gilthunder says after catching Jericho.

"We're Huntsmen, just the same as you!"

"You three need to find Ruby! Go!"


"NOW!!" She throws the trio into town before raising her weapon. Diane is then struck many lightning, ice and wind all at the same time.

"DIANE!!" The girls scream out.

"HHRRRGHH!!" A giant mass of rock shaped in a sword rises from the below.


"You see that Captain?"

"Yeah, that's Diane's Ground Gladius."

"Then that must mean she is here."

"Y/N!!" You look up and see Weiss, Blake and Yang falling.

"Gowther!" Gowther forms a net that catches the trio safely.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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