The Surge

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"H-How'd he escape the gem!? No one is supposed to be able to break that!" Guila screams out. Meliodas, in a flash removes Guila's hand from her arm,

"AAAHHH!!!" She screams out before being flung by a powerful swing from Meliodas. Everyone in front of Meliodas is blown away from the winds generated from the attack.

"Guila!" Jericho yells out, she stands up, picks up Guila's hand and runs to her, throwing down a spell bead from her gauntlet

"Super Recovery Spell!" She reattaches Guila's severed hand.

"I owe you one." Guila says flexing her hand.

"What the hell's going on! Hendrickson said no one can break free of that gem!"

"Not my area..." Guila replies.

"My my, that looks like bad news Jericurl." Ban says. Jericho quickly turns around and angrily stares at Ban.

"It's Jericho!" She quickly replies.

"Either way, these look pretty cool! Mind if take some?" Ban takes Guila's spellbeads directly off of her gauntlet.

"Hey! When did you?!" Meliodas charges the group with an empty look on his face. Ban pushes past the two Huntresses.

"CAPTAIN! IS THAT REALLY YOU—!?" Meliodas slices Ban in two with a single
slice. A look of shock grows on Ban's face as he flies in the air.

"Wha-What in Remnant..." Ruby says, stunned by the energy growing on Meliodas.

"RUBY!" She looks over to see Weiss, holding Blake. Ruby runs over to her.

"Are you okay?!" Ruby asks the heiress.

"I'm fine, Blake is still out, she's breathing but her Aura was destroyed. She won't be waking up for a while."

"Weiss? Do you know what's happening to Meliodas?"

"I haven't the slightest idea! But he's kind of scary like this!" A shockwave hits the girls, once the dust clears, Meliodas is standing in front of them.

"Mel-Meliodas?" Ruby asks. He sniffs the duo and Blake, his nose crinkles slightly to Blake, for reasons unknown to the rest of her team. He raises an arm as the black markings move to his arm. It forms into a wing, once fully formed, Meliodas flaps the wing and flies away.

"RUBY! Don't move!" Ruby looks down and sees the crater that has formed beneath the girls.

"Blondie! Wake the hell up!" Ban throws a green bead beside himself, an aura surrounds him and Yang as she awakes.

"Did we win?" Yang says groggily.

"That's yet to be seen, c'mon! We gotta get the hell outta here!" Ban picks up Yang and Weiss picks up Blake.

"Ruby! We've gotta move! C'mon!" Ban screams at her.

"Right!" Ruby stands and runs with Ban.


"Hm? I didn't expect you to be able to escape that gem." The man says.

"Helbram! You bastard...!" King says, a massive cut on his chest.

"Enough petty resistance. Can you not tell you're no longer apart the equation?"

"What the hell are you talking about!?"

"Look." The man says. Meliodas descends from the sky at breakneck speed, creating a massive crater in the ground.

"My, your strength is much more powerful than expected. Even now, your power is growing by the minute!" The man says. Meliodas doesn't say a word, just blankly stares at the man.

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