Respect Your Elders

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You're walking into the Boar Hat, full of patrons and thankfully, Hawk made everyone pay their tab.

"Alright everyone! Finish your drinks and leave, it's time to close shop!" Everyone groans and chugs their ale.

"Everything okay?" Hawk asks you.

"Yeah, I had a run-in with Glynda and Oz, as crazy as it sounds, and ever weirder, they want me at Beacon."

"Beacon Academy!? Why! If you're recognized—."

"Glynda said that probably won't happen, especially considering I look nothing how I do on the poster. So it should be fine, but first, I need sleep. Can you get your mom walking to Beacon? I want to be there when everything starts."

"Okay Meliodas." Hawk walks outside.

"MOM! CAN YOU GET US GOING TO BEACON!!??" He yells out, the tavern begins rumbling and raises up, you go lay down in your bed and go to sleep for the night.


You check your scroll and see that Ozpin messaged you.

"Whenever you get to Beacon, we have to talk about things. Important things."
You place the scroll down and lay on your back.

"Sate sate sate..." You pass out almost instantly.

"You cannot save her Meliodas, it will end the same way as it did with Summer Rose."

When you wake up, all you can hear and feel is he ground shaking, Hawk's Mom is still walking to Beacon. You walk out of the door and take in the sights, trying to ignore what you dreamed about.

"Hey! Meliodas!" You turn around and are greeted by Hawk.

"Morning Hawk. How much further are we from Beacon?"

"About 30 miles, it shouldn't be more than a couple hours until we're there." You nod and think about Ruby.

"Yesterday Hawk, I ran into a girl, couldn't be more than fifteen to sixteen years old. She looked just like Summer, even had the same last name, I think it's her daughter."

"I miss Summer."

"Me too Hawk." You sit down and go into a laying position, you stare at the sky for hours on end until you reach Beacon, right beside the school, Hawk's Mom digs into the dirt and then...

"Viola! The Boar Hat is ready and open for business! Considering there's kids here, I won't sell them alcohol, they'll just get water. Now, I suppose I should go see Oz."

"I'm coming too, I'm tired of being cramped up in this tavern, plus you always leave me with the customers."

"No I don't. Just sometimes." You smile.
You and Hawk walk toward the school and the memories flood you. You walk into the building and into the elevator. After a couple of minutes you reach the top.

"Knock knock!" You say.

"Come in please." The door opens and you see Ozpin sitting at his desk.

"Yo!" You say to him.

"Welcome Meliodas, it's been far too long my friend." He stands up and walks up to you, and he shakes your hand.

"And Hawk, good to see you again."

"It's Sir Hawk Professor."

"I apologize." He smiles at Hawk.

"You said you needed to talk about stuff? Sounded serious."

"Autumn has been attacked." Your eyes widen and the information stuns you.

"Hawk? Can you go downstairs for a little bit?"

"It's bad huh? Well Sir Hawk can handle it!" He strikes a pose.

"Hey Oz, Ive got a great recipe for whole-roasted pork, it's a family secret if you're hungry." You say deadpan.

Hawk sprints toward the elevator and makes it go down.

"So, Salem's making her move huh?"

"I believe so, we still don't know who the assailant was, but they had a plan, a good one. It seems only half of Amber's powers were stolen."

"Can half a Maiden get into a vault?"

"I don't know, this has never happened before. If half a Maiden can get the Relic, it could be bad."

"Especially if the Crown is removed. If Salem gets her hands on it, it could either seal Remnants fate, or seal our victory. Oz? Why didn't you just have Amber open the vault and you use the Crown?"

"The visions the Crown grants are totally random, they could be of what happens in the next 5 minutes, 5 years, or 5 centuries. They're also random as to when they happen, meaning I cannot control it."

"Hmm..." The elevator opens and in it stands Glynda.

"Oh you're already here. I assume Professor Ozpin has told you the situation?"

"Yes, and it's bad. But there's one thing I'm stuck on."

"Hm?" Ozpin asks.

"Why me? Why did you text me about this and not Qrow or Ironwood?"

"Because you've been around for quite a while Meliodas. I thought you may have some information about the assailant."

"Hm... sorry. I got nothing Oz."

"Well, would you have information about the other Maidens? You've been everywhere, I assume you've heard something."

"The last I heard about Spring is that she's in Mistral. No details however, Winter is in Atlas being cared for by James still, and I have nothing on Summer. She's still missing."

"So we have one Maiden accounted for. This is worse than I thought."

"The Maidens are big girls, I'm sure they can handle themselves."

"Amber was the third most experienced Meliodas, and she was taken down, she's in critical condition and not dead, but we don't know if the powers of Autumn will go directly to the assassin if she dies." Glynda reiterates. You walk around the room, thinking about the situation.

"Ozpin, I have a request." You ask looking out the window looking upon Beacon.

"What is it?" He asks.

"I want the Boar Hat to be on Beacon grounds."

"I can't have you selling alcohol to children Meliodas, that would make me as a Headmaster look bad."

"I wouldn't sell the kids ale, they'd get water. We could all drink obviously. I will drink, it's my tavern."

"I'll allow it Meliodas, no alcohol to the minors, I mean it."

"Got it Oz. Now Glynda..." You vanish from sight.

"My offer is still up if you're willing...?" You place your head up her skirt.

"MELIODAS!" She pummels you. You and Oz just laugh.

"I also have a second request."

"And what would that be?"

"Let me attend Beacon as a student."

"Okay, but you'll need a different name than Meliodas."


"Meliodas, this will have to be the last one." You stare out the massive window overseeing the grounds.

"Where are the other Sins?"

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