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Fluff  / Non despair au / pregame au
Kaitos pov

"W-what are y-you d-doing ?" I turn and Kokichi is standing behind me with his arms crossed.

"Oh! I found the tent in my garage so I thought we could camp outside!"

"Oh, b-but a-arent you s-supposed to c-camp in the w-woods?"

"Well yes.. but a lot of people camp in their backyard too!"

"Hmm o-ok...  do y-you n-need help?" I shake my head no.

"You could go get the sleeping bags out of the basement! They are in the storage by the washing machines." I turn back to my work and I hear him head inside. The only thing I have done so far is placing the tarp down. Now I need to actually get the tent set up.

~ Time skip ~

"All done!" Me and Kichi were setting down the sleeping bags. We put on down as a cushion and the second one on top as a blanket. We just threw the pillows down on the side.

"Y-yay." Kokichi flops down on our temporary bed. I lay next to him. His head is burried into a pillow. I fluff his hair.

"Tired already ?" He turns his head to look at me.

"N-no... a l-little."

"Well, I'm about to make dinner. Hopefully, we have marshmallows. Then we could make s'mores tonight!"

"Y-ya, w-what are y-you m-making ?"

"Just hotdogs... that's kinda the only thing i know how to make with a fire..well and s'mores."

"Kay.. h-have fun." He turns back into the pillow.

"Ok, I love you."

"I-i love you t-too." He says very muffled because of the pillow.

I head inside and grabs the hotdogs from the fridge and check the pantry for marshmallows. Luckily, we do have some but I leave them there for later.

When I get back outside, kichi is now playing fetch with my dog. I smile and set the food down to start the fire. Once, its started I wait a second before putting on this grill cover my grandpa gave me to cook the food. Since its only me and Kokichi eating I'm gonna make 4 even though i know hes probably gonna only eat one.

"H-hello again." He sits besides me breathing heavily. Klaus ( the dog ) runs up with the ball and pushes it up to kichi. He grabs and throws it, but not very far.

" Tired again ?" He nods.

" I s-said I-id throw it o-once n-now he wont l-leave me alone."

I flip the hot dogs. "Well dinner is almost done so soon you will have an excuse to stop playing." 

After the hot dogs are done, I grab them and set them on a plate. Kokichi goes back inside to get paper plates and forks. Once he's back I take a plate and get a hot dog bun with a hot dog in it for him. I do the same for myself.

We finish ou food in silence since we were really hungry. I threw a left over hot dog for Klaus and leave to get the s'mores stuff.

Kokichi sits outside waiting petting Klaus's stomach. I throw the bag of marshmallows at him and he opens it. "Dont eat them all!" I say as he pops 2 in his mouth. His checks are puffed out.

I get the metal sticks used for cooking marshmallows and other items. We both put marshmallows on and rest in on the stone of the firepit. I lay back and Kokichi comes up to rest his head on my chest.

"C-can you h-hand m-me the m-m-marshmallows ?"

"Dont eat them all..." I hesitated before handing him them. Kokichi grabs a hand full and eats one at a time while we wait for the other ones to cook.

When they are almost done I grab the grand crackers and t hee chocolate. Once I put the together, I put the marshmallow in between in and slide it off. Kokichi does the same with his marshmallow.

We eat them in a comfortable silence. We each make a second one before running the stuff back inside and sitting on the ground to cuddle by the fire.

After, the fire dies down me and kichi go inside to change. I put on sweat pants and a tank top. Kokichi in my hoodie and shorts. We go back out to the tent holding hands. Kokichi opens the tent and Klaus runs inside, Kokichi follows, and I go after.

I shut the tent off and crawl to the other side to get under the sleeping bag with Kokichi. Once we are settled we say our goodnights.

"Goodnight baby boy." I kiss his forehead. "I love you."

Kokichi grabs my hand and lays on my chest. "G-goodnight babe." Klaus is already asleep and we fall asleep shortly after him.

~ 827 words ~

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