Valentines day <3

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both pregame & Despair au (Writing 2 versions)

Despair au (After killing game)
Third person pov

Everyone is happy spending the day with the one they were meant to be with, posting photos & ignoring the responsibilities until the following day.

All except for one. Kokichi Oma. He sits on his couch in his one bedroom apartment just staring at the wall. Spacing off & counting down until he can finally go to sleep & forget this stupid holiday.

'Hes probably out with Maki right now' Kokichi started down at his hands to trying to distract himself from crying. His one sided love has gotten nowhere. He knows it's his own fault for pushing him away & not getting closer to him, but he doesn't want to admit it.

'knock knock'

Kokichi jumps a little at the sudden noise taking him out of his thoughts. He rubs his eyes before standing up & opening the door.

To his surprise, Kaito stands there holding flowers & a small heart box filled with chocolates.

He clears his throat before speaking, "Hey Kokichi.. Uhm I know it's a little late, but will you be my Valentine?" Kaito smiles slightly reaching the gifts out to him.

Kokichi's mouth drops a little in shock. 'no way he means it... I'm just his last choice..' Kokichi sadly comes to that conclusion. "So no one else wanted to be your Valentine huh?" Kokichi smiles tilting his head trying to hide that he's hurt.

Kaito drops the gifts down a little & looks at him hurt. "You really think that?" Kaito asks his voice cracking. "I wanted to ask you sooner... I just didn't have the courage to.." Kaito looks away awkwardly before turning to leave.

'Oh shit..' Kokichi quickly turns after him. He grabs his shoulder & shouts "Wait!" Kaito turns & looks at him.. "If you wanna be Valentines with the great supreme leader then I guess... I'll let you." Kokichi couldn't admit how he liked Kaito.. at least not yet.

Kaitos face lights up again & he pulls Kokichi into a hug. They go back to kokichi's apartment & spend the rest of the night together. 'Maybe valentine's day isn't all that bad'

Pregame au
Third person pov

Kaito walks over to kokichi's house awkwardly trying to hide what he got him. Mainly because he wants to surprise him & it's embarrassing to carry something around like this.

He pulls out his phone to check to make sure he's not to early. His lock screen is a photo of him & Kokichi together when they went to a school dance. Kaito smiles, walking to his house slightly faster.

Kaito knocks on the door & a few seconds later Kokichi opens the door smiling happily at Kaito. "Happy Valentine's day babe" Kaito smiles & hands Kokichi a homemade gift basket full of candy, a stuffed pink dragon, & photos of the two together.

Kokichi smiles & takes the basket. " happy Valentine's day Kaito!!" kokichi then drags Kaito inside, he puts the basket down on the table & takes Kaito upstairs. "Your surprise is up here!" Kokichi shouts excitedly.

They enter his room & Kaito sits on his bed. Kokichi runs to his desk to grab a brown book decorated with stickers. He plops the book down on the bed. "open it!" Kokichi says excited to see kaitos reaction.

Kaito does what Kokichi says & opens it. Inside is a homemade scrapbook of photos of them together throughout the whole relationship. Kaito smiles remembering each photo they took. "Kokichi this is amazing. I love you." Kaito leans over & kisses him.

Kokichi smiles & kisses him back "I love you too!" The two spend the rest of the night eating candy & going through the scrapbook talking about every memory.

~ 609 words ~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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