Secret boyfriend

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Mention of nudes / Pregame au / non killing game au / non despair au
Third person pov

"Give me your phone."

"Why?" Kaito gives a confused look to his friend.

Rantaro rolls his eyes. "Because friends go through other friends phones."

"What type of friends do that?"

"My friends. Gimmie." Rantaro holds his hand out waiting. Kaito sighs and gives up his phone. Rantaro smiles and unlocks his phone.

"Kay well I'm going to the bathroom and then the vending machines. I'll be back for my phone." He gets up to leave.

Rantaro reads a few texts. It was kinda boring since Kaito mainly texts through snapchat or Instagram. Rantaro closed out of his messages and went through it camera role.

The first few scrolls was nothing good, until a picture caught Rantaros eye. He clicked on it for a better look.

It was a mirror selfie with Kaito sitting and someone else sitting in his lap looking the opposite way. Their head was on Kaitos shoulder so you couldn't see who it was, but they had purple hair and a space hoodie on. Kaito was smiling and looking at the person not the camera.

Confused Rantaro kept looking. Eventually, he found another picture, except this time you could see the other person's face. It was a boy, smaller than Kaito obviously. He was holding the camera and Kaito was behind him with his arms wrapped around the smaller boy.

With more looking, Rantaro found more pictures of the boy. Some with Kaito some without. There were a lot of pictures of the smaller boy by himself not paying attention and a couple videos of them together.

Rantaro attempted to scroll down but ended up clicking on a picture. He looked at it and saw Kaito naked.... Rantaro turned the phone off and took a second to process what he saw.

After a minute or two, he turned it back on and exited out of the picture. 'At least keep them in a private folder asshole.' Rantaro thought to himself.

He did a quick scroll and stopped to look at more pictures. Except this time he saw the other boy naked a maid dress? He again turned the phone down to process it.

He picked it up and closed the gallery down. 'Never again.' He thought.

Kaito came back with some chips and a water. "You done looking?" He questions taking his phone back.

"Yes... so quick question."

Kaito looks up from struggling to open the bag of chips.

"Do you... no uhh so I was looking through your camera roll... there was a lot of pictures of a smaller guy with purple hair....who is he?"

Kaito looks down. "Oh Kokichi hes just my boyfr-" he stops himself and his eyes go wide.

"Oh figures. So how long?"

"....6 months."

"6 months?" Kaito nods and Rantaro crosses his arms. "And you never told me? I thought I was your best friend." Rantaro pouts.

Kaito fiddles with his hand. "Well it kinda just happened...I'm sorry."

"Ya whatever... so when can I meet Kokichi?"

~518 words~

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