
790 17 5

Wrote this in class :D
Non - despair au /   pregame au / kokichi has a older brother in this
Third person pov

Kaito hesitated before knocking on the door. He held flowers in one hand and had a fist ready to knock. Kaito knew Kokichi's older brother was behind the door ready to make fun of his hair.

Earlier, his grandfather made him do a ponytail instead of his normal hair. "Its prom with the boy you've been with for 3 years! You need to actually try!" Remembering what he said. After an hour he finally had a decent looking ponytail.

Kaito sighs, finally deciding to knock. Of course when he did Kokichi's brother opens it instantly before breaking out into uncontrollable laughter.

Eventually, he claims down enough to yell, "Kokichi! Your boyfriend is here!" Before laughing again.

Annoyed kaito pushes past him over to the living room. Kaito runs into Kokichi on the way there and his eyes widen. "Wow...You look gorgeous." He says smiling.

Kokichi goes red and look down playing with his fingers. "Th-thank you." Kokichi was wearing black dress pants and a white button down.
He looks back up and gets closer to kaito.

"Oh! The little ponytail!" He giggles and turns Kaitos head to see it better. "Its cute! You should wear in more often."

"Should I?" Kaitos asks and Kokichi nods.

Remembering the flowers in his hand, he finally hands them to Kokichi. He blushes again and takes them into the kitchen to get a vase.

When he comes back, kaito let's his hand out for Kokichi who takes it. "Cmon ranran w-wont stop blowing up m-my phone! Hes Hungaryyyyy!" Kokichi whines.

"Okkk. Let's go!"
~283 words ~

I'm not dead <3

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