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Fluff / pregame [I tried writing non pregame but I hated it] / non  despair au / non killing game au
Short explanation : when you turn 16 you get a stripe in your hair, Kaito got a black stripe and couldn't find his soulmate until the start of the next school year

Kaitos pov <3

My alarm blares on the table next to me. I slam it off and sit up. First day... great.

I sigh, sit up, and throw my blanket off me. After, I head to the bathroom to change. While brushing my teeth I check Instagram. Everything's pretty boring.

Avocado posted something for once. It was a photo of him and Kokichi. From the lighting it kinda looked like he has the same stripe as mine, but Its probably just a filter.


The bell rings in the distance reminding me that I'm late. 'Great first impression' I thought to myself.

The building was still unlocked at least, so I was able to get to class somewhat easily. I open the door and fortunately the teacher wasnt there yet. So I looked around at who I was stuck with for the next year. I saw avocado and Kokichi.

I look at him for a second and my jaw drops unknowingly. Fuck. He has the same stripe as me.

I sigh, could be worse I guess. Kokichi turns to me and his smile fades. He looks at Rantaro, who gives him a  sympathetic look.

I head over to them. "Looks like we are soulmates..." he nods still looking down.

"Kichi if it makes you feel better, I havent even found my soulmate yet." Kokichi looks up at him and awkwardly smiles. I roll my eyes.

"Move avocado. I wanna talk to Kokichi alone." Kokichi shivers and avocado hesitates before standing to leave.

I take his spot

"So since we are soulmates... I guess we better get to know each other?" Kokichi nods rubbing his thumbs together. "Ummm do you like video games? Or just games in general?"

"Not r-really, but there is this one game I enjoy! It's c-called Identity V.... you c-could get it on your phone and we could p-play together maybe."

I smile. "That would be fine." I reach into my pocket and get my phone. "Could you get it for me... and put your number into my contacts. . . Please." Kokichi awkwardly takes my phone and does what I asked.

He hands it back right when the teacher walks in. I wave bye and go to my normal seat. Avocado goes back to his seat and starts whispering to Kokichi.

~ time skip ~

The lunch bell rings and everyone runs out of the classroom. Avocado and Kokichi get up slowly. Kokichi runs over to me. "C-come eat lunch with m-me and Ranran!" He attempts to drag me up.

Geez, just this morning he seemed to hate me... maybe he just accepted his fate? "Alright" I stand up and he smiles. "Where do you normally eat lunch?"

"The roof." Avocado says from behind Kokichi. Avocado turns for the door, me and Kokichi following behind him.

We continued following avocado to the stairs. I look down and Kokichi, I decide to take his hand. He looks up at me and light blush on his face. I wink back at him, causing him to blush even more.

He turns away and I do the same. Once, we get to the roof, we find a place to sit and start eating.

Kokichi sat next to me and Rantaro across from us. Kokichi kept stealing so of Rantaros food. "Kichi, if you want you can have the rest." Rantaro says handing the food to Kokichi, who happily takes it smiling.

I steal a small peice of meat from his plate. "Hey! T-thats mine!" He pouts as I eat. I wipe my hands and hold my hands up to his cheeks.

"You are so cute!" I laugh as he blushes. Kokichi looks down and puts his hands over mine. I rub his cheeks with my thumbs.

Kokichi looks back up at me and I smile. I look back down at his lips.... they seem soft.

I start to imagine myself kissing him. Kokichi wrapping his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his waist, holding him close to me.

I snap back to reality and look up at him. His eyes are looking down to, before the shoot up to look at me. We stare at each other, then we start to slowly lean in.

"Ahem." Rantaro loudly clears his throat. I let go of Kokichi and sit back. Kokichi looks down embarrassed. "Some people havent found there soulmate. Showing off your love in front of someone who's probably going to die alone. How rude!" Rantaro exaggerates.


"D-dont be mean to someone t-thatll die alone!" Kokichi elbows me.

"Thank you Kokichi. Cmon let's head back." Rantaro stands up to leave.

"Oh hey Kokichi, wanna come over to my house after school?"
He looks over at Rantaro, then back at mr before nodding. "Ok cool!"

~ time skip again ~

We finally get to my house and I open the door. "W-wow big house!" I smile at him. Fuck hes to cute.

My grandmother is in the living room waiting for me. "Hey Grandma.. uhh good news I found my soulmate!"

She practically jumps off the couch and over to me. "Oh! I'm so glad! Hello there, I'm Kaitos grandmother and you are?"

"M-my names Kokichi ouma! Nice t-to meet you!" She smiles at him.

"I like you. I made cookies, if you boys want some!"

"Ok thanks!" I take Kokichi to the kitchen and we each take a chocolate chip cookie. After we finish it we go up stairs to my room.

It's pretty small a bed, desk, dresser with my tv on it and my Nintendo. "Sooo wanna finish what we started at lunch before we were rudely interrupted?" I joke.

Its takes Kokichi a second to get what I mean before he blushes again. Slowly he walks towards me and puts his arms around my neck. "Did I do it right?"

I nod and grab his waist bringing him closer. I lean down and give him a soft kiss on the lips. This time both of our faces bright red.

~ 1059 words ~

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