New Memories [Kaito ver]

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Despair au / fluff / pregame and ingame au
You should know the drill, based of my other story instead of Kokichi's memories coming back its Kaito's. Ya this should be interesting.

Anyway it's right after the machine thingy brought his memories back :]
Kokichi pov

Is momo dead? He's laying down on the ground lifeless. I feel bad ... since we all kinda just agreed to vote him out. I'm sure they'd blame me even though it was Miu's idea. Whatever...

Though I do hope he's ok. "Uhhh Kaito..?" Shuichi asks taking a step towards him. Right as Shuichi leans down to poke him, Kaito's hand grabs Shuichi's arm and glares at him.

"Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me." Kaito glares and let's go of Shuichi who runs away into the crowd of people. Kaito sits up, stretches, then looks at the crowd around him. He stops at me and basically jumps up.

"Baby boy! Why the fuck is Shuichi here?" He pulls me into a bear hug and glares over at Shuichi.

I attempt to push him away. "Who the fuck are you calling baby boy?"

He pulls me out of a hug but still holding on to my arms. "You obviously. Did you hurt your head or something?" He flicks my forehead playfully. "Also what the hell are you wearing?"

"Clothes idiot."

"Hey! I'm not a idiot and seriously what's wrong with you? You're being so mean to me." What the hell is this idiot on about and why does he have a hatred for Shuichi.

"I'm perfectly fine momo~chan!" He pushes some hair out of my face and kisses my forehead... wait- HE JUST KISSED ME. I blush.

"Er Kaito..." Shuichi starts to speak. "Why did.. you-"

"Spit it out." Kaito pulls me into a protective hug.

"Why did you just kiss Kokichi?"

"he's my boyfriend or did you already forget dumbass."

"Hey dont be so mean to my beloved!" I shout at him.

"Beloved?!" He gives off an annoyed and disgusted look. "Let's go." He takes my hand and leads me out of the gym.

"Do you even know where you are going~" I joke to try and lighten the mood.

"Far away from... everyone and you need to explain why everyone and you are so different."

"Oh simple~ We are all Trapped in a killing game and a new motive was to have one of us get our memories back which we all voted you and here you are!" He stops and turns to me.

"Memories? So you dont remember me?"

"Hmmm nope! Why? Should i?" He let's go and I put my hands behind my back.

"Well ya I am your boyfriend..."

"Hmm story?"


"Storytime! Like how we got to be boyfriends duh!" Kaito reaches his hand out like he wants to have my hand [made total sense] so I give him my hand.


"Wait let's go to my room!" I drag him over to the dorms and let him into mine. Kaito makes his way over to the bed and sits. I sit next to him. "Ok storytime!"

"Ok well we go to the same school and have almost all of the same classes, but anyway I was kind of.... a dick to you. After awhile I realized I had feelings for you and started being nicer. Except Stupid Shuichi also liked you and even went as far as to kidnap you! Dont worry I beat him up for you!" He sounds proud... but Shuichi wouldnt do that. "After that we kinda confessed to each other and started dating."

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