Lies part 2

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Fluff / killing game au / despair au /some angst
Basically this is like the aftermath and such
Dont worry there is a happy ending 😁
Kokichi's pov

'Stop crying idiot' I try telling myself, though it isnt working. I run down to Rantaro's room and pound on the door. He opens the door, "What the he-? Ouma! Are you okay??" I can't speak, all I do is hug him and cry. He hugs me back.

"Ouma, Let's go inside." I nod and follow him inside. We sit on his bed. Rantaro holds my hand while I cry. He waits for me to calm down before continuing, "So can you tell me what happened?"

I nod. "K-kaito and I *hic* broke up because h-he *sniffle* didnt actually have feelings for me!" I start crying again. Rantaro pulls me into a hug.

"What the hell?!? Why would he date you then! Gosh, he's such a dick!" Rantaro hugs me tight. "Hey, do you wanna stay the night here?" I nod, mainly because I dont want anyone else to see me like this.

~ the next day ~

Kaito's pov

Gosh, I was up all night thinking about Kokichi. I hope he's doing okay. No! I shouldn't think about him! Although, did I do the right thing? Well, whatever i should head to breakfast. I leave my room and head to the cafeteria.

No one is there, except Shuichi and Kirumi. Slowly, everyone else arrives. Rantaro and Kokichi are the last to arrive. I can feel Rantaro's glare at me. He obviously knows about the break up. Well, everyone must since we didnt arrive together and Kokichi is avoiding me as much as possible. The only difference between the rest and Rantaro, is that he knows the reason we broke up.

Him and Rantaro sit down on the other side of the table. I glance at Kokichi. He looks horrible. His eyes are red from crying, his hair is a mess, and he's wearing one of Rantaro's shirts. No one bothers to ask him if he's okay.

I spend most of breakfast staring at Kokichi. He barely eats anything and doesnt even drink his panta. We did make eye contact for a split second before he looked away. Eventually, Rantaro and him leave. I know i shouldn't follow, but I'm worried about Kokichi.

"Wait!" I call out to them. Kokichi bolts probably to Rantaro's dorm. Rantaro calls out to him, but he keeps running. He turns to me and crosses his arms glaring.

"What is it?" He says coldly.

"I wanted to make sure Kokichi was okay." Rantaro scoffs.

"Now you worry about him. I get Kokichi can be annoying, but that doesnt give you the right to mess with his feelings!" I stop. He's right. I shouldn't have done that, but that day I dont even know what I was saying. "Well? Do you still have anything to say?" I shake my head.

Rantaro turns and jogs off to find Kokichi. I'm guessing Rantaro doesnt like me, but what I did to Kokichi is unforgivable. I sigh and head to my room.

I'm laying in my bed. I remember whenever I'd lay down Kokichi would lay down on my chest and fall asleep. He was so small and cute. Wait- no he wasnt cute! Well... maybe a little, but I dont like him. Speaking of Kokichi. I hope he's doing okay.

I shouldn't think about him -I mean I broke up with him-, but I cant get him off my mind. Did I actually like him? I mean that day when I said those stuff. I didnt try and deny it? Whatever, even if I did realize I liked him now, he'd never take me back. I broke his heart, plus I'm sure Rantaro would be mad or think I'm just going to break his heart again.

I sigh and roll over on my side. I hope wish there was a way to fix stuff. Wait, Maybe there is! If I could figure out a way to talk to Kokichi and tell him the truth. The truth... what even is that? Do I like him? Do I not like him? Gosh, I dont even know! I should just go to sleep and figure the rest out tomorrow.

The next day, I'm sitting in my lab.  Ok so, I told Kokichi I liked him and didnt try and deny it. The time I spent with him actually was fun. He was less annoying when we were alone, but he still wanted attention. He also really liked cuddling. All I did was hurt him though.

What if I figured out a way to talk to him. Like when he's alone and not with Rantaro. Though I'm scared if I do it now he'll just run away from me. Or... i could write a note and make it anonymous! I rush around my lab trying to find paper and something to write with. I manage to find some paper and a marker.

I write this:

      Kokichi meet me at the cafeteria after dinner tonight. Its important!!

I run out of my lab an dot the dorms. I stop at Kokichi's dorm and tape the note to the door. I hope he gets it and no one takes it. I make my way out, but when I turn the corner I bump into someone.

"Shit- sorry." I look down and see Kokichi on the ground, Rantaro next to him.

He jumps up quickly and looks away "N-no it's my fault." He scurries away towards his dorm. Rantaro glares at me and follows. Well hopefully he gets my note.

At dinner, I'm sitting next to Shuichi and Maki. Kokichi and Rantaro come in and I notice Kokichi has my note. I smile to myself. Maybe he will meet me. How am I gonna do this though? I cant just wait till everyone leaves. Maybe I could leave stand around till everyone leaves then come back in? I think that'll be easier. Everyone eats dinner and has small talk with each other. Eventually, people start finishing up and leaving.

Rantaro gets up and leaves. Witch leaves me, Kokichi, Shuichi, Maki, Kirumi, Tenko, Angie, and Himiko. Kirumi leaves to the kitchen and Angie, tenko, himiko leave too. My sidekicks finish and we leave. I stay a little behind them.

"Kaito, are you coming?" Maki asks.

I shake my head. "No I'll catch up. I have something I need to do." She nods and follows Shuichi. I slowly walk back into the cafeteria. "Kokichi?"

He turns towards me and gets up to runs away, but I grab his hand. "Wait! Pls i need to talk to you." He looks likes he's about to cry, but listens to me and stays. I take a deep breath. "T-the day I told you I liked you, I... dont know what I was saying. But i didnt try and deny it to you and I even liked the moments we said together. Im sorry and I wish I could take back what I said the day I hurt you. I know you wont forgive me, but I wish I relized my feelings for you were genuine and I found them out to late..." I dont even wait for his reply.

I just turn around and leave. I'm down the hall when I feel something wrap around my waist. "Wait!" I turn a little to see Kokichi holding onto me and looking up with hopeful eyes. "Did you just confess to me?" I nod and he smirks. "Nishishi ~ I knew you couldn't resist me."

"Ya that's it." I push some hair out of his face and he giggles. "So does this mean we are dating.... again?"

"Ya, but it's a fresh start. So dont mention the past!" I nod and grab his hand. We walk hand in hand to the dorms. When we arrive Rantaro is standing in front of Kokichi's dorm. He glares at me, but stops when he notices Kokichi smiling and us holding hands.

He sighs. "I'm glad to see you smiling again Kokichi! But you-" he points at me. "Break is heart again and I'll put you 6ft under." I nod and back up a little. Kokichi giggles and kisses my cheeck.

"Goodnight Momota ~ chan!" He enters his dorm and Rantaro leaves for his.

"Night Kokichi." He doesnt hear me since he already shut the door, but I'm glad he forgave me.

~ 1412 words ~

Ok yes ik very unrealistic, but school is killing me so you guys get this UWU. Also ik it sucks. And sorry I accidentally published this early like a smart child. Anyway thanks for reading I love you 💕🌸

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