Mansion Love

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Non despair au / fluff
Servant Kokichi x Kaito
Kaitos pov

"Where the hell is the new guy?!?" My father shouts. He's so loud you could hear him in any room of the house. We're sitting at the dining table waiting for dinner. 'Its not even 5 yet. Why does he want dinner so early?'

Right on cue, the new guys bursts in through the door carrying a tray. He has wild purple hair, with matching eyes, and freckles that are only visible if your really close. He sets it down and bows, "I-im sorry, I got lost in the halls again." My father sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Dont screw up again." He shewed him out with his hand. "Damnit. The food is already cold." I sigh.

"Shouldnt you go easy on him. He just started yesterday and maybe you should learn his name." He scoffs.

"Why should I? Plus, it's not like you even know his name."

"I do. His name is Kokichi." He rolls his eyes and we eat the rest of our dinner in silence.

After dinner, I head to the living room. Kokichi is in there dusting. I sit on the couch and watch him. 'He's really focused. Explains why he didnt hear me.' He is dusting an old book shelve. He starts to dust the vace. "You missed a spot." Kokichi jumps almost knocking the vace down. "Sorry, I didnt mean to scare you." I scratch my neck.

"N-no it's fine. It's my fault i should of looked over my work!" He heads to the spot he missed and dusts it clean. He continues dusting while I sit on my phone. More like pretend. I watch Kokichi work. Sadly, it's not long and he leaves.

Over the next few weeks, I find myself watching Kokichi. He got better at working so he wasnt getting yelled at as much. My father thinks he's an easy target so he just yells at him for stuff he didnt even cause. I've learned every day after dinner he cleans the living room. So, I sit there and watch him work.

Today is not different, I sit in the living room watching him work. "Hey Kaito." Kokichi snaps me out fo my thoughts.

"Yes?" I set my phone that I was 'looking' at.

"Do you always watch the servants work? Or am I special?" He giggles and looks back at his works.

"Well, maybe... I never thought of it. I guess I'm just curious." He thinks for a momment before giving me a confused look.

"What do you mean by that?" He finishes the last vace and heads to the entrance.

"Hmmm, I guess you peak my interest." Kokichi blushes, bows, then leaves. 'Hmmm he's cute. Wait, cute?' I mean he's not bad looking, but if we even were to date. Father would kill me for dating a guy and a worker. Heh, I doubt he likes me anyway. My phone buzzes.

Hey, are you busy tomorrow?
My parents are out of town
And I dont want to be home

Nope I'm free, so itll be a
Sleepover lol

Ya basically. What time
Should I come over?

Idk noon maybe?

Alright I'll see you later.

At least tomorrow wont be bad. Though I'll have to miss watching Kokichi work. Geez, I sound like a stalker.

My alarm goes off at 7 am. I throw on some random clothes and head to breakfast. I can hear my father yelling down the hall. When I get to the dinning room, he's shouting on the phone while Kokichi tries to put food down without disturbing him. Kokichi smiles at me and leaves.

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