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Requested by: English_child2004
Pregame Oumota/ No despair Au
*Kokichi and Kaito are already together cuz in lazy :O)*
Kaito's pov *Its Sunday this will make sense later*

"Hmmmm.." I scratch my chin. 'Witch one would be like...' I'm stuck looking at 2 stuffed animals. One is a bear and the other is a dog. I'm going to hi house later today and I want to bring him something nice.

I'll just get him the bear. Its cuter and is holding a a heart that says "I love you beary much.". Cheesy, but in sure Kichi will like it. I really hope this makes him smile.

I head to the chasier, theres a women there. "Hey there is this all today?"

"Yep" I reply and reach for my wallet.

"$5.09. Is this for your girlfriend?"

"Boyfriend." I correct and pay. She looks shocked, hands me my change, and the bear.

I hide the bear in my jacket. I get out my phone and put earbuds in. Kichi's house is far from the mall, so I wont get there till at least 3:00.

When I finally get there I knock on his door. I can hear someone running up to the door. The door opens and Kokichi peeks out. "H-hey Kaito!" He let's me in.

"Hey babe, did you miss me?" We head upstairs to his bed room.

"Y-ya! S-so what d-do you w-wanna d-do?"

"Hang out? I came to see my boyfriend. Oh! Also, I got you something!" He gives me a confused look and I reach into my jacket. I pull the bear out and his eye light up.

"Awww, I-i l-love it!" He takes it and hugs it close to him. I smile. Wait a second...

"Is that my hoodie?" I ask him. He looks down.

"M-maybe." I pull him into a hug. He's so cute. He hugs me back. "K-kaito, c-can we g-go to the p-park d-down the s-street?" I nod and let him go.

The walk to the park is fun. I look at everything. There was a dog walking by and the owner let us pet him. He was so fluffy and shedding like crazy.

Das my dog UwU dont mind the hair clumps. He's shedding ;-;.

When we get to park, its empty no ones playing. "Wow when I was a kid I'd come here all the time! Now theres no one..." michi tells me.

"I never went to a park. I played in the sandbox in my backyard."
He runs over to the swings.

"Kaito! P-push me! P-please!" I chuckle. I'm so lucky to be with him. I push his swing and he laughs. We spend the rest of the day at the park and decide to walk to Tacobell. We get a couple tacos and eat there. After dinner, I walk him home and I head to my house.

~ The next day ~

*beep* beep* my alarm goes off at 6:00am. I trudge out of bed and over to my closet. I put on a old t-shirt and my jacket. My phone buzzes and I open it up.

Baby boy💜
Good morning ❤

Space boyfriend 💜🌌
Morning cutie 😘

Baby boy💜
Are we meeting at our
Normal spot?

Space boyfriend💜🌌
Yep, I'll see you there at 7

Baby boy💜
Oki! I love you💕

Space boyfriend💜🌌
I love you too! 💜

I'm not to excited about school, but walking with Kichi makes me feel better! He I can't wait to go see him. When its 6:50 I start to walk to the coffee shop. It's close to school so me and Kichi get something to drink and head to school In the morning.

Kokichi is already there when I arrive. "Babe! Did you wait long?"

"N-no, I j-just g-got here." He takes my hand and we walk inside.

"That's good! Do you want your usual?" He nods and squeezes my hand. He hates crowed places. Fortunately, we are only ordering our drinks and leaving. I kiss the top of his head.

Shortly, we get to the front of the line. "Hello, what would you guys like?" The chasier asks us.

"One Carmel capacino hot and a iced coffee. Both large." He types it into the cash register.

"Ok that will be $8.67 and your number is 36" I take out my wallet and pay him. We go to the other side of the counter and wait for our drinks.

"Babe, is the test today or tomorrow?" I ask him.

"N-no idea. I-I think t-today." We talk about other stuff and movies we should watch together sometime.

"Order 36!" We grabs our drinks. Kokichi has the capacino and I have the iced coffee. We leave the store and head to school.

When, we get to school we part ways. Our first 2 classes are different so I wont see him till later. While walking people turn and look away. 'They're scared of me.' Just because I'm tall and strong doesnt mean I'm a bully. I wouldnt even hurt a fly. I wish people would realize that, but they are all to scared to talk to me, but Kokichi. I smile he's so adorable.

When school ends me and Kokichi walk back to the coffee shop. Its surprisingly dead after school so we go there to do homework and have snacks. We order a coffee cake to share and our normal drinks. I'm only half way through my math homework and I still have so much more to do. I sigh and rest my head on the table.

"E-everything ok K-kaito?" Kokichi asks and messes with my hair. I force myself up.

"Ya, it's just they give us so much homework and so little time to do it!" He nods and sets his pencil down. Kokichi grabs my cheecks and squishes them.

"Ha y-your s-so cute! A-and y-our smart e-enough to get i-it done!" I sigh.

"All right let's get this done!"

The ending kinda sucks lol. Idk if this was what you were hoping for, but I came up with this. Also, I just got discord its: Peaxhy.Kokichi#4073 add me if you want! I feel like people are annoyed by me advertising my other social medias. Anyway byeee!

~ 1075 words ~

Update (I forgot to change the name so we will keep it as yeet lol)

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