Just Another Family Reunion!

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
Shock induced panic attack, mentions of blood
No graphic details

Scrooge's POV:

After the incident with Donald, I couldn't rest. I found myself in the study planning our next adventure. I knew that Della wouldn't return while I was away. ____ would see to it. I wasn't really in an adventurous mood to be honest, however my eyes landed on The Cartographer's Quill. I had forgotten about it and it was just the kick I needed to get me excited about a quest.

That morning I walked into the kitchen and noticed Beakley was cooking.

"Where's ____?"

"Donald told me to let her sleep this morning."

"Oh well, tell the kids we're going out and to be packed by eight." With a huff, she did.

I ate quickly and tried to concentrate on packing, but couldn't shake that something felt wrong. I hauled my stuff to the front door, and they were yawning but carrying their backpacks down.

"Behold: The Cartographer's Quill!" I showed the kids the glowing glass quill. That lifted their spirits. "A mystical artifact that sketches maps leading to the world's greatest treasures."

Louie snickering. Dewey yelped. Huey shifting and hummed.

"You had me at quill!" Webby swung her arms with excitement.

"This could be the most important moment of our," there was a small grunt of pain from someone. The kids looked fine but then my eyes slid past the kids towards, "_____!"

I dropped the quill and ran to her side and fell to my knees. She was wearing a dress and the once blue fabric was soaked red. She didn't seem to be aware of my presence and was muttering under her breath.

"I'm fine. It's fine," she repeated to herself, and didn't seem to be aware she hurt.

"You're hurt," I told her in a calm voice. It felt unnecessary, but she wasn't acknowledging it.

She raised her voice slightly, as if she actually meant to speak and not just mumble nonsense. "Fine. I'm fine. It's not important. Please."

"Please what?" I was confused. The front door opened, but I didn't check who it was. The kids could handle it for the moment.

"____ look at me. Calm down. Breathe, love." I attempted to get her to focus.

"'Sup, party people!" Someone said. "I'm back in the hizou-  Oh, no. Knew it was wrong as soon as I said it. Sorry, that was terrible. Can I -"

Slowly, I raised my hand to her cheek. She didn't focus, so I raised it to her forehead. Her eyes remained glazed over, and Donald knelt beside me.

"What happened?" ____ shifted at the words and a bullet wound was visible in her admin. I was struck with horrible memory. Donald reacted before I could and pressed her hand on _____ stomach. She hissed in pain.

"Ow. 'hat kinda 'urt," ____ slurred her words.

Donald didn't let up on the pressure. I was surprised he was acting so calm under this pressure. He wasn't known for that.

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