There Are No Boring Days!

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A/N: This chapter was supposed to be the last chapter but there was so much build up to Moonlanders that I had to split it! Also special thanks to @zentthefirst for getting me through some writers block!! That being said enjoy!


The voice haunted me even more than my dreams, which consisted of yet another explosion and Penny yelling. It bothered me because I couldn't hold Scrooge's stuff from him. That wasn't me. I was only doing to save his life. Who even was this mysterious caller? I headed towards the kitchen for breakfast and rammed into Mrs. B's back.

"Sorry," I rubbed my head as she spun around, "I was in my own world."

"Thinking about Mr. McDuck?" She hummed accusatorially.

"That obvious?" I blushed.

"You know he's capable of taking care of himself. You don't have to do it for him," Mrs. B informed me apparently she'd gotten wind of last night's feud.

"I know. I'm just worried about a lot of things."

"We all are. It's not your job to fix everything all the time, dear." I didn't respond, so she added, "You're taking on too much. All you have to do is ask for help."

"If it was that simple," I scoffed.

"It is. You can ask anything from any of us, even Della and especially Mr. McDuck. We all see how he looks at you."

"Now I know you're lying," I scoffed, trying to blow her off, knowing I was blushing. "Besides, Scrooge is mad at me and Della can't be in a room with me for more than ten minutes."

"I don't think he could stay mad at you for to long. And don't worry about Della. For her family she would do anything and as hard as it is to except for her that includes you."

"If this is your attempt to cheer me up it's failing."

"I'm not trying to cheer you up. I'm trying to explain that asking for help is okay," she deadpan.

"I'll keep that in mind." I walked towards the kitchen and her word resonated with me. She has the tendency to know what was best.

Though it wasn't like I could truly trust many people with what was worrying me. Ever since I'd gotten to this world, the McDuck drama had been the driving force behind half of their problems. Now I was adding to it. I needed someone outside of it. I got an idea. I pulled out my phone called the Glittering~Pain. She picked up on the first ring.

"Gooooood morning!" I opened the door to the kitchen.

"You have some nerve. You know that?!" I clearly woke her up, but that wasn't what she was talking about.

"I've been told. I've got a job for you," I started, but she didn't hear me. She was already on a tangent.

"How did you manage to get the entirety of McDuck Enterprises in your name overnight? You know, stealing from him is my job!"

I pulled out some pans. "I didn't steal it. I won it in a bet. Want to take the offer or not? I know you're not technically for hire but this is important and I'll let you name your price."

"That's dangerous and bad business practices." She sounded appalled. "What do you mean you won a bet?"

I groaned, looking through the fridge. "He made a bet; he lost it. Through technicality, I won. Happy? Bacon. Eggs."

"He wouldn't do that unless he knew he was going to win, and are you cooking? It like five am." She sounded confused.

"It was originally against Glomgold but Louie found some loopholes." I shrugged, though she couldn't see it. "Now I've got a company and I'm not carving pumpkins but you're avoiding. Are you gonna take the offer?"

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