A Nightmare On Killmotor Hill!

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A/N (- L ) means Louie not Lena!

It had been about a week since the incident and walking hurt, talking hurt, breathing hurt. Everything hurt. And I sucked at following doctor's orders. I was only allowed awful smelling smoothies. Also, I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep because whatever was messing with Lena's dreams was also giving me nightmares.

Right now, I was sitting in the kitchen and Ms. B had cooked dinner. Scrooge was working late at the office and Della and Donald were doing something siblings related so it was a kid's night. They were extra bubbly because Lena was staying the night for her friend anniversary.

"Children, please settle down!" Ms. B said. Blue and Green took their places at the kitchen bar.

She gave us our food. The doorbell rang, signaling Violet's and Lena's arrival. She went to answer.

Fenton busted in from the garage. He had been over a couple of times to check on me, which was his excuse to relax from being Gizmoduck. We were also working on how to store blood for me because I didn't want it to be held in the lab. Too many complications.

Webby and Huey were hot on his tail.

"You need to get your boyfriend. He tried to kill me!" Fenton fumed. Louie and Dewey looked up at him.

I laughed, "Fenton, not that I don't believe, but you've gotta be more specific."

"Mark Beaks tried to steal the Gizmo armor from," his eyes caught the others and corrected his sentence, "my lab and almost pounded me in the process!"

"Her boyfriend's not Mark Beaks it's," I glared at Webby until she stuttered into silence. They may know, but I wasn't advertising it.

"Sorry I haven't been in any shape to entertain him lately," I said. Fenton gave a apologetical look at that. "I'll attempt to be more entertaining and I'll put him in on an app to develop or something."

"Thank you." Fenton deflated onto the counter.

Huey and Webby joined Louie and Dewey, who had picked up their conversation on a video of Glomgold that had gone viral, of him falling into a shark's pool at the aquarium.

"A tux? Was it a date?" I asked, after looking over Fenton. He flushed.

"Um, well, no, not exactly, but maybe."

"I'm teasing Fenton. I'm glad 'bout time you found someone that appreciates your good ideas." I took a sip of my 'meal,' and lowered my voice. "Figured out a place for our side project."

"Still working on it," he said sheepishly. I could see he was tired.

"Don't overwork yourself."

He nodded.

"Oh good, you're home," Mrs. B said to Webby upon reentry. "Your friends just got here and they are in your room."

"Yeepie!" Webby jump up, leaving her half eaten plate and went to join them.

"Webbigail, you need to eat!" her grandmother called after her.

"She had some spaghetti earlier." Fenton told her and she nodded, headed out of the room. Then he turned back to me. "Sleeping better?"

"No." I had accidentally mentioned my sleeping problem with him.

"Try this." He handed me a small bottle of liquid. He stood up and yawned. "Just a few drops. It's been a long day. Gonna head home unless you need something else."

"I'm good. Thank you." I gave him a hug and he headed out. "Boys, tell Webby I'll be up in a few minutes."

I went to my room, showered, and changed into my pajamas. I walked into Webby's room and had to dodge Nerf bullets.

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